Chapter 120- A Rather Unexpected Visitor...

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Dr Kozak: ....without bringing Esperanza some sort of birthday present!

Cynthia Rose squealed with joy, triumphantly dancing, Dr Kozak just smiling at her when she wasn't looking.

Cynthia: Oh my god! Thank you so much! I wish I could hug you right now!

Dr Kozak: No need to thank me, you're welcome....... And same here.

Cynthia Rose: *genuinely surprised* I honestly thought that you'd say no though!

Dr Kozak scoffed.

Dr Kozak: No! Of course not. How can I say no to you, you're Cynthia Rose!

Cynthia Rose: But I'm your arch nemesis' daughter...

Dr Kozak: My arch nemesis is dead though, isn't she?

Cynthia Rose grinned before seriously crying tears of joy.

Cynthia Rose: But why do I have to get Esperanza a birthday present? She's been so rude to me recently. I know it sounds hostile but I don't think she deserves one from me.

Dr Kozak: It may sound hostile.... *spins around in his spinning chair really slowly with a toothpick in his mouth* But you're right. And Esperanza said that she is going to be mad at me if she doesn't get at least twenty birthday presents today.

Goodness knew why she was going to be mad at him though, but it was probably because twenty presents for her birthday was usually the minimum amount of presents she had ever received and she didn't want anyone to break or ruin that for herself at all.

Cynthia: And how many has she received?

Dr Kozak: None... yet. I'll probably force or bribe people to get her one, whether they know her or like her or not.

Cynthia Rose: I'll think of something to get her. You've known Esperanza for ten years haven't you? What kinds of stuff does she like?

Dr Kozak: Anything turquoise. Esperanza loves the colour turquoise. And in the meantime how are you going to get here?

Cynthia: I don't know actually.

Dr Kozak: I can come over to DIE ANNA INCORPORATED and drive you here...

Cynthia: Nah, that'd be too much effort for you though! I don't want that! I'll just use Martinez's teleporter.

Dr Kozak: Your brother has a teleporter ?

Cynthia Rose: Yes. You sound surprised. Why?

Dr Kozak: Jut can't really imagine Martinez having one.

Cynthia: It's silver, and it can...

Secret Agent, Counterspy (𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒅) |  Rewritten From Chapter 51+ Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora