Chapter 95- Cynthia Rescues Kozak

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Inspirational quote: If you're ever feeling down... Just know that there's someone out there in the world that's pushing a door that says pull.


"Okay, Dr Kozak... You can stop hugging me now..."

Cynthia Rose and Dr Kozak were locked up in Diana's basement, with Dr Kozak still hugging Cynthia Rose for what felt like ten hours but was really only about two minutes.

Cynthia Rose didn't mind the hug, at first, but after she realised how long it had lasted for she started to slightly become irritated.

"Dr Kozak...." She told him, tapping him everywhere.

"Dr K, you can stop hugging me now!" Cynthia Rose screeched, which was when Dr Kozak stopped and just stared at her.

"Sorry about that. Everyone seemed to be against me for killing them, except you."

Cynthia Rose just beamed at him.

"It's fine, and don't worry. I liked the hug."

Dr Kozak just raised an eyebrow up at her in return because he was genuinely so confused.

"If you liked it then why did you start yelling at me to stop hugging you?"

"Because I couldn't breathe!" Cynthia Rose answered, hyperventilating.

"Oh. Well, sorry again. I guess." Dr Kozak replied, sitting down right next to her.

Cynthia Rose didn't say anything as she went to go and get something from the fridge which hadn't been used in nine years, however, for some reason the foods in the fridge were still okay.

She then brought something out of the fridge and placed it on the table in front of Dr Kozak, with two knives and forks as well.

"Raspberry cheesecake?" She offered, which was when Dr Kozak screamed his head off, stood up and defended himself with the chair that he was currently sitting on.

"What? No! Get that away from me!"

Cynthia Rose just stared at him blankly, slightly perplexed on why Dr Kozak was just suddenly acting like this.

This was not like Dr Kozak at all.

"Are you feeling okay, sir? You're acting real strange."

"I'm not acting strange, I'm allergic to raspberries, and like I said, get that raspberry cheesecake away from me."

Cynthia Rose just blinked at him once before saying anything else.

"Ohhh. You're allergic to raspberries! I didn't know that. Sorry."

Dr Kozak silently watched Cynthia Rose return the raspberry cheesecake in the fridge, remaining silent and not saying anything for a short amount of time.

Dr Kozak: *drums his hand on the table casually, still intently watching Cynthia Rose* Hey, Cynthia Rose?

Cynthia Rose: *heads back to table with lemonade for both her and Dr Kozak* Yeah?

Dr Kozak: *Avoids the lemonade* You know when you said that I "inspire" you, for some crazy reason?

Cynthia Rose: *Doesn't entirely know how to respond* Yeah... What about that?

Secret Agent, Counterspy (𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒅) |  Rewritten From Chapter 51+ Where stories live. Discover now