Chapter 8- What On Earth Is She Doing Here?

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Inspirational quote: Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


The chances of Kieran embarrassing himself in public compared to not was about ninety seven percent to about three.

As soon as Kieran and his family headed inside of the church chapel, Kieran took a deep breath like he did before the ice hockey tryouts began, however this time way more tired than before.

Plus Kieran knew that the consequences for messing up his stepfather's wedding compared to messing up in ice hockey was more extreme. So he didn't even bother thinking about it.

His stepfather insisted that he should spread the flower petals before the wedding began, to "save time" apparently, although as soon as Kieran was about to do that his stepfather stopped him almost right in front of the chapel.

It was too late to change anything hence why the wedding was today. The weather changed last minute too, there was no reason for Anthony to choose a wedding day where it was going to rain.

"Whoa whoa whoa." His stepfather had reached the church entrance doors before him, making Kieran almost stare at him in confusion.

"Kieran. Where are you going?"

Kieran just raised an eyebrow at him in return. "You told me to do what I have to do now, didn't you?"

His stepfather looked at him, and Kieran did the same back. Their staring really only lasted for about two minutes but from Kieran's perspective it felt like forever.

"Kieran. Do. Not. Mess. This. Up. Okay? I mean it."

Kieran nodded vigorously. He made a pinky promise to his stepfather that he wouldn't mess anything up, although his stepfather wasn't a hundred percent convinced.

So as a result of that, he came closer to Kieran's face, squeezing his face and lifting Kieran up until his feet fully couldn't reach the ground anymore.

"Kieran. I seriously mean it. Do not freaking mess this up. Understand me?"

Kieran couldn't talk or breathe, his stepfather had lifted him way above the ground. After nodding for about fifty times, his stepfather eventually put him down and then went off to find himself his new wife.

Kieran couldn't do this.

However, he could, but he was scared he was going to mess up, despite the fact that he had just  made a commitment to his stepfather telling him that he wasn't going to do that.

Secondly, this was his first ever wedding where he was actually doing something, not just to watch the bride and groom kiss each other for about sixty seconds straight.

He opened the chapel door, before closing it again, staring down at his tuxedo and brushing some imaginary dust off.

After mentally arguing with himself for precisely two minutes, Kieran opened the door and spread the flower petals all over the aisle.

Things were going quite well for a while; unluckily that didn't last throughout, or for the entire thing.

About halfway walking through the aisle, Kieran looked up. He had been looking down for the entire thing, and now was probably one of the worse times to look up.


Because, for some reason, his love of his life, Vanessa was there.

Secret Agent, Counterspy (𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒅) |  Rewritten From Chapter 51+ Where stories live. Discover now