Chapter 40- Marcel And Tyrese Back At It Again

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Inspirational quote: It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.


Kieran and his stepfather were arguing for about twenty odd seconds until the train driver had completely lost it.

For some reason, the train driver had a megaphone right next to him, so what he did, because he was so annoyed, was to yell at them.

"Please can the teenage boy and the teenage boy's father stop arguing! It's driving me crazy! I've lost my will to live!

But they wouldn't listen to him, they were still full on arguing.

Some other people were becoming annoyed too, over all the racket that Kieran and his stepfather were making. Neither of them realised that about fifty percent of the people on the train currently were ringing the police.

The argument ended with Kieran and his stepfather separating, although as the train driver was so frustrated, he lost control of where he was going.

Worst of all, the train was underground so the train driver couldn't see where he was going (plus he was 90) and all of a sudden, well, there was a tremendous sound.


"What was that?" Some people yelled at the same time.

No one had remained calm, and after Kieran saw fire, he knew that something atrocious was going on.

"There's been a train crash!" A man with a baby hollered at everyone. "And the train driver is dead!"

People started screaming however no one was wise enough to try and leave. Soon after, much much later in fact, Kieran saw even more fire than last time.

The fire alarm on the train went off making some people irritated as hell. The fire was located towards the back of the train, so the people there had instantaneously died, no matter what.

It then dawned on Kieran that the fire was spreading rapidly all over the place, and they were practically in the middle of nowhere.

Then he thought:

Hang on.
Wait a second.
My stepfather was sitting at the back of the train where the fire was.

He was dead. There was no point checking, Kieran knew it. Was that what he meant when he told Kieran that he didn't have much time left on here anyway?

'I don't have much time left on here'.

'My time here on earth is nearly over. Kieran I'm going to die soon.'

How did his father know when he was going to die?

How did people do that? Did God just speak to them or something? Kieran really didn't understand.

Sometimes it was obvious when one was going to die, without God speaking to them. They just knew to be honest.

But other times were different. Like a twenty five year old knowing when they were going to die before they had actually did. Kinda strange once Kieran had thought about it.

Kieran didn't even bother thinking about it. They were trapped and there was no way out.

Smoke was infesting everywhere by now, and moments later, about ten people were still alive, Kieran included.

Secret Agent, Counterspy (𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒅) |  Rewritten From Chapter 51+ Where stories live. Discover now