Chapter 113- The Third Wheel

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Inspirational quote: If you don't sacrifice yourself for what you want, what you want becomes the sacrifice.


Dr Kozak and Kieran left the place about five minutes later, because they were helplessly talking about something, and as soon as Dr Kozak had opened his door to his laboratory, Esperanza was there sitting on his spinning chair, looking really annoyed at both of them.

She checked the time on her phone in disbelief.

"There you guys are!" She complained, really angry at both of them. "You guys took ages!"

Neither Dr Kozak or Kieran said anything, Dr Kozak just returned something whilst Kieran just stood opposite Esperanza staring at her.

"We didn't take that long," Dr Kozak corrected her, hanging up his light purple sleeveless hoodie on the coat rack and switching it for his white lab coat.

"Yes you did!" Esperanza snapped back. "In fact you guys took-"

Kieran: *folds his arms slowly and bitterly looks at her* How many minutes did we take then?

Esperanza: Seven.

Dr Kozak: We promised ten.

Esperanza: Teen!

Dr Kozak: *feels flustered, turns red* Oh. Oh I guess that is quite a long time. We're really sorry, Esperanza.

Esperanza: What do you and Kieran talk about that I can't know about?

Your birthday.

Kieran: Stuff. And if you could stop being so jealous then maybe this whole situation would be better for all of us.

Dr Kozak just walked behind Esperanza, placing his hands on each of her shoulders.

Dr Kozak: Kieran don't be rude to her. It's her birthday.

Esperanza: Honestly! I feel like I'm the third wheel over here!

Kieran: That's because you are... *he then swears under his breath*

Dr Kozak was fed up. Mainly at Kieran, but then mainly at himself as well but for another reason.

Dr Kozak: *when Kieran isn't looking* Esperanza?

Esperanza: *cholerically screaming at him* What?

Dr Kozak: A quick word in private?

Esperanza: *is more calm now* About what?

Dr Kozak: Just follow me to the back of my laboratory. Make sure Kieran isn't looking in case he asks questions.

Esperanza didn't say anything.

She stood up from where she was, following Dr Kozak, Kieran not noticing them at all because he was busy reading something on his phone.

Dr Kozak then decided to slam the door at the room towards the back of the laboratory, switching on the light.

This was also the place where he hid Valentina's dead body, so it would have been best for him if no one brought up the subject on Valentina at all.

Secret Agent, Counterspy (𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒅) |  Rewritten From Chapter 51+ Where stories live. Discover now