"Don't laugh at me." Ethan grins teasingly, though I can tell that his cheeks are flushed. I gently shake my head.

"I'm not laughing at you. I promise. You're perfect." I reply. I reach a shaking hand behind myself and begin to unzip my dress, Ethan's lips now reconnected with mine. In a burst of adrenaline fueled confidence, I move back some and pull my white dress off, tossing it to the floor. I blush even deeper than before if that's possible, my hands resting on Ethan's shoulders. What surprised me though is that he never looked at my body. The entire time he looked into my eyes. "Y-you can look." I mumble embarrassedly.

"I know, but I'd rather look at your beautiful face." He replies. I smile at his cheesy comment and giggle, cupping his face in my cheeks and pressing forward to kiss him. He smiles and kisses back, slowly leaning back so that I'm laying on top of him as we kiss. His hands rest lightly on my hips as we kiss. It's not an eager or lustful kiss, it's a kiss full of cute awkward love... But it's our love. Yeah, it may be a little awkward, but I wouldn't want it any other way.

Out of no where, Ethan rolls us over so that he's on top of me, but I could tell that it was playfully. I laugh and lightly hit him as he does so. He laughs back, pulling back some. "I love it when you laugh." He murmurs lovingly.

"And I love that you can make me laugh." I retort with a grin. He smiles as he kisses me back, his hands on either side of my head ad mine resting on his warm chest. Slowly my hands travel lower in a playful manner, finally reaching the hem of his pants. I fumble with the button for a moment before finally undoing it and in zipping his pants.

A blush rises to both out our cheeks again as he pulls back to stand up and remove the garment. I take the moment to take my socks off as well and throw them to the side. He follows suit before coming back over to me, a nervous smile on his lips and a glimmer in his eyes. He sits next to me on the bed, interlocking his fingers with mine.

"I want you to be sure." He states in a more serious tone. I take a deep breath.

"I'm sure." I reply. "Are you?" I ask, wanting the confirmation.

"Yeah, I'm sure." He smiles softly. I smile back before practically tackling him back on the bed, my lips pressed to his with a smile in my newfound confidence. He laughs and kisses back, his hands resting on my back and fiddling with the hook of my bra. Though I'm blushing, I don't mind it.

He finally unhooked it and let out a soft laugh. "Now I see why girls hate these." Ethan grins. I laugh back, sitting up some and pulling my bra off my body. My 36C breasts fall free of the fabric that I like to consider a torture device. My figure is silhouetted by the moonlight that streams in from in between the blinds, but I take no time in returning our kiss. I feel Ethan's hands moving from my hips now up my sides to explore the newly exposed territory. I feel one hand stop at my waist, but the other finds it way to cupping my breast gently. I blush at the feeling as a small shiver goes down my spine.

I take the liberty to trail my hands lower on his body, tracing his v-line with my finger, my lips never disconnecting from his. He squeezes me some, rolling my nipple in between his fingers. A moan leaves my lips as he does, excitement boiling within me. I gently tug on the waistline of Ethan's boxers as another moan escapes my lips.

I slip my hand under the fabric, slowly moving it farther down. I could feel his body tense under my touch, the small reaction giving me a satisfaction I had never known and a boost of confidence to progress. Without pulling away from the kiss, I wrap my hand around his member and blush. A small moan leaves Ethan's lips as I touch him and it only makes me want to hear more. I let my instincts take control, slowly stroking his member and taking advantage of the power I have over him. Another moan passes his lips as he rests a hand on my waist, the other one looping around my back.

When Winter Came (CrankGamepays Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now