Volleyball // Hongbin

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You smiled.

"Stop barking and bite me."

You said, as you opened your mouth and shut it, causing your teeth to collide and click.

"I will."

He said, with a small glint in his eyes.

The game continued with the two of you blocking each other and trying to outsmart each other.

Finally, it came down to the last set and it was their turn to attack. They just needed one more score and they would win. You couldn't allow that to happen. You were at the back and was solely focused on receiving every single ball. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Hongbin smirk as he jumped up to spike the ball.

Your eyes followed the ball and you saw that your team had touched it and it was flying outside the line. You ran after it and desperately tried to receive it. As you dive for it, you lose your footing and feel your ankle twist and crack. Letting out a yelp, you fell to the floor but your hand was still extended. The ball collided with the back of your hand and you breathed in relief. The victory was short lived as the pain in your ankle grew sharper. The pain started to spread to your calve before up to your thighs. You could only curl up into a ball as you clutched your ankle. The lights seemed to get brighter and you shut your eyes in pain.

You mind was growing blank from the pain and the cheers start to become a static mess. Your breathing grows heavier as you feel a strange pressure on your chest. Your throat and mouth starts grows dry as you moan in pain. You could feel someone tapping you but no sound registered in your mind.


Through the static mess, you heard the familiar, deep and slightly rough voice call out your fake name. Breathing out, you glance up to see Hongbin looking at you. Through the dark spots, you didn't see his usual arrogant face, instead, you saw a concerned face. Large doe eyes, twitching nose, lips parted in surprise, cold sweat rolling down his face, hands clenched in fear and feet ready to pounce. His mouth seemed to move but you couldn't hear anything. As the dark spots grew larger, you tried to decipher his words.

I'm sorry.


After being hospitalised, your coach had prevented any of your teammates from visiting you, least they find out your true identity. You were unconcious for a day but quickly recovered once you were awake. Unfortunately, once you woke up, you received a call to tell you that your team had lost. You felt responsible for the loss but it was a very close game. However, you vividly remembered Hongbin mouthing something before you blacked out.

'I'm sorry'?

"Ayy, that's impossible."

You say as you picked up a book. You still had to remain in the hospital for observation and it was starting to get boring so you decided to spend your time, reading.

"Miss _____? You have a visitor."

You look up from your book in surprise. None of your family members had told you, they would be visiting. The door slides open and you see a unwelcomed face.

Lee Hongbin.

You snort as you slam your book down.

"Are you here to mock me after our loss?"

You rolled your eyes at how immature he was.

"Obviously, not. I'm not as evil as you may think. You may be my rival, but you're still a human being."

You blink in surprise as you turn to him. He placed a small bouquet of flowers near your bed side and let out a small sigh.

"I hope you get better soon."

You could only nod as you clench your fist. So that apology wasn't just your imagination. He gave you a small smile, exposing his dimples, as he glanced at you.


You breathed out as you forced yourself to say it.

"Thank you."

He smiles again before nodding his head.

"No problem,  _____."

Your eyes widen as you look at him. He tilts his head, innocently, as you point a finger at him.

"H-H-Ho-How did you know my real name?"

He raised an eyebrow before realisation hits him.

"Ah right, you're disguised as a guy, I forgot."

He smiled as he looked at you.

"You're too beautiful to be a guy."

You feel a blush rush to your cheeks as the words left his mouth. He grinned once more before waving good-bye.

"See you at the next competition."

You couldn't reply as you continue staring at the closed door. Blinking, you snapped yourself out of it. How long had he known? How did he know? Despite knowing you were a girl, he still gave his 100% against you.

For some reason, that last thought made you feel fuzzy on the inside. He saw you as a true rival and not just a damsel in distress. He treated you like a volleyball player and not a girl. You feel a small smile form on your face as you look down at the bouquet of flowers.

"See you at the next competition, Lee Hongbin."

I apologise for any factual errors about the scenes with Volleyball! I don't actually play volleyball so I can't ensure the information is a 100% correct. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Anticipate my future updates (although, not too soon)

VIXX Imagines -Discontinued-حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن