43: ι¢н тυ ∂ιя ωєн (ι нυят уσυ)

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Du blutest für mein Seelenheil,(You bleed for my salvation,)

Ein kleiner Schnitt und du wirst geil.
(A little cut and you're turned on.)

Z A I R E:

Thomas had gone back to work shortly before Sykes and I left the diner, and we have been walking around the small town ever since. Sykes made me feel warm inside, in a cold, empty feeling world. We stayed outside until I was shivering and he was hurting from his wound. Sykes warm body kept me warm, but at one point he also got cold, so we decided to come back to the room. 

Sykes went across the street to get some food, and now I sit here alone thinking. 

Ever since we met, I've brought him nothing but trouble. He's had to uproot everything because of my past. But he won't let me go, I'm too close now. And truthfully, I don't want him to. The only place I feel safe anymore is in his arms. I couldn't imagine being anywhere else. 

Going to sleep in his arms, waking up in them... feeling his warmth sinking into my small body, his aura of control and dominance wrapping around us like a cocoon. 

I haven't felt him be rough with me in so long, I'd almost forgotten how good it felt. But even when he wasn't being rough, we didn't 'make love' or anything. I rode him hard to make up for his lack of participation. I knew that it wasn't his fault, but I didn't care. 

I love him, I want him... I want him to make love to me. 

That night in the hotel was once of the best, most pleasurable times in my life. I couldn't imagine sex being so... amazing. I've been fucked a lot, used a lot, and owned a lot. I've found myself cumming at the hands of many crueler men than he ever thought about being, and yet, he managed to make me cum twenty times harder than anyone I've ever been with. 

He doesn't even have to try to make me cum that hard anymore. At first, I never noticed him trying to be fair, but now? He doesn't even have to touch my cock while he's fucking me to make me explode as soon as he utters the word cum. 

The way he treats me is so unlike any other. He doesn't call me bad names, or degrade me in a way that makes me feel like shit. He doesn't abuse me like many masters do. I guess as Master/slave relationships are total power exchange, Masters have the right to abuse the slave as they feel necessary, but Sykes isn't like that. 

Sykes calls me precious, sweets, gorgeous, pet, and all arrays of good things. I serve him gladly, and proudly. I'm not afraid of him, but I respect him. Feeling his touch is not only an honor it's a blessing. He has complete control over me, and yet, he doesn't use that power to break me down. He builds me up with his loving words and gentle yet stern hand of guidance. 

Having someone like him is absolutely something that I can't say I thought I'd ever have. I thought I would have a shitty master for the rest of  my life. I never thought I'd have someone that really wanted and needed to take care of me. 

Meeting Sykes was the best thing that has ever happened to me. I walked into the bathroom and stared into the mirror, nervous. 

I blushed as I pulled out the bag I'd hidden under the counter. I pulled out the stuff I'd put inside of the bag, and looked over it. I decided that I was going to doll myself up a bit. No makeup or anything like that because I'm not a girl, but I bought some purple and black thigh high socks and a pair of panties that match my collar. 

It matched my goth look right now, and it looked absolutely gorgeous with my eyes. Honestly, I never saw myself as a goth, and I'd never been interested in looking like an angsty teenager, but I actually kind of like the way it looks. I look interesting, not just like a 'normal' man. 

Mercy (ManxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now