Stars (Lars and Steven Fusion) x reader

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Again I forget who asked for this. And yes I do call it Stars. If you don't then please go with it.

(Y/N), meet me at the beach right now. -Sadie, sent 59 seconds ago.

Why? -(Y/N), sent 45 seconds ago.


You'll see. Wear something nice! -Sadie, sent 20 seconds ago.

Fine. -(Y/N), sent now.

I sigh as grab a nice dress and put it on. If she's trying to set me up again I'm gonna be mad. She tried to set me up with Lars a 3 weeks ago. And then Steven the next week.
At least she gave me a week break. But she's the one who broke it off with Lars, not telling me why. I assume it was my fault so I apologized over and over. She just laughed, telling me it was okay.

As I'm walking out the door my dad stops me for the fist time. He's obviously drunk. "Where do you think your goin'?" He slurs and I don't give him much of a happy expression. "My friend wanted me to meet her at the beach," I say and he continues to block the doorway as he smiles mischievously. "You have a friend? Are you gay or something?" He asks and I'm starting to lose my patients. "No I'm not. You normally don't even feed me. And your drunk. Go to bed," I say as I push him out of the way and I open the door. He slaps my butt in a flirty manner before I slam the door in his face. Before I even leave my front yard. My mom throws a suitcase with my stuff in it from the window. "And don't come back!!" She screams at me. I pick up my luggage and I walk over to the beach pier, hopping to see Sadie. I look around and she wasn't waiting for me anywhere. I spot someone walking towards me on the beach. I can't exactly make out who it was since the sun was just starting to set over the sea and it was blinding me. They wave at my general direction. I look around and no one else is beside me. So I wave back out of generosity. I was motioned over, by whom I believe is to be male from as far away as I am. I go over and I realize just how tall he is. He seems to be around my age, and has an all around nice person feel.
I introduce myself, knowing that I'd never seen him before. And he introduced himself as Stars. "It's nice to meet you Stars," I say with a large smile. I knew Sadie was trying to set me up again, but this time, I dont think I mind. We start to talk and get to know each other more. Soon it turned into a picnic in the dark. "So what's the luggage for?" He tries to ask in the most polite way possible. "My mom kicked me out of the house and my dad was trying to flirt with me. Their horrible drunks," I say and he pauses, then nods as if it troubled him greatly. "Are you okay?" I ask and he nods. "Yeah. But are you sure your okay with how they act?" He asks and I nod. "Of course. They always do that. Then the next day they beg for me back," I lie. They normally just ask me where I've been and then demand I go back home. Which is more like hell.
As soon as I finish my sentence I hear my dad singing while wasted. I look over. "I'm guessing that's your dad?" He asks and I sigh. "Yeah that's him," I could see him with something sharp in his hands. The sharp object was dripping something and I look over at Stars. "Is that just me or is whatever he's holding dripping blood?" I ask and he takes a closer look. "I think that's blood for sure. Go get a cop or someone who can help. I'll distract him," He says and gets up. "But he could hurt you! I don't thin-" "Go, I'll be fine," he says and I stand up. I try to think of a way to get up onto the pier. I run past my dad who gives me a large cut on the arm. I hiss but I keep running, hopping that Stars was okay. I run all the way to the next town, since Beach City doesn't normally need police. I get two police officers to follow me all the way back, only to see Stars and my dad still fighting. I point to my father. "I think he hurt my mother," I say and the two men react almost instantly. Stars backs away from the fight at I go over to him. "Are you alright?" I ask almost instantly. "I'm fine, but your arm isn't," he says almost instantly noticing the large gash from earlier. "I'm fine," I try to say but he instantly starts to try and clean it up.
At this moment I realized just who Stars was. Lars and Steven had fused, just for me. I tried not to act so surprised, since I had gone on dates with them weeks before. It was strange, yet I found that I enjoyed it. I truly did like Stars. It was like taking my affection for each person and then putting it into one. That's a whole lot of attraction.
We slowly start to kiss but barely before we touch lips I'm dragged away by Sadie. I wave to Stars and he calls out to me. "In two days at the same time?" He asks and I respond. "Sounds amazing to me!" Sadie and I walk further away, to her house. "How'd you get Steven and Lars to fuse?" I ask and her jaw basically drops. "Who told you?!?" She tries not to act surprised. "What? No one. I just knew,"

Can people write Stars x readers for me please? I loved writing this one so much! And if you do make a Stars x reader please tag me!!!

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