Male! Yellow Diamond x Fem! Diamond! Reader

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To make things even! Your on HomeWorld.

I was having a nice chat with Blue after he and Yellow got back from the zoo. I stayed and helped White Diamond, who actually acts like I'm his... how does one put this, a fetus of a human... a child I think? "He kept bugging me to stop crying and destroy the zoo!" Blue exclaims and I gasp. "No one has the right to destroy the zoo!" I say and he nods. "Pink wouldn't have wanted that...," he hesitated but continues. "Can you talk to Yellow? Maybe you'll get through to him on not destroying the zoo," Blue asked and I nodded. "I'll see what I can do Blue. I don't want it destroyed as much as you do," I say standing up. "I believe in you (Y/N)," he says and I smile. "I don't know if I believe in myself or not," I walk away and find my way to the Yellow Diamond court. As I'm about to enter a room, the door opens and I come a little to close to an angry Yellow Diamond. "Yellow!" I say happily and he walks away, closing the door in my face. I open the door quickly and I chase after him. "Yellow!" I say not as happy as I was before. Soon we were basically going around in circles through his court. I had lost my happy attitude by the time I caught him.
When he finally turned to me, all he felt was a hard slap. Most of the members of his court that were present snickered at him until he game them a serious look. "What's the meaning of this?" He ask and I back hand him. He gives me a harsh glare, in which I return. I grab his face and I bring it close as I whisper. "If you ever shut a door in my face like that again, pray that Rose Quartz can heal gem shards," I release his face, but he doesn't seem wavered. "Was that a threat (Y/N)?" He raises an eyebrow. "Yes it is," I say confidently and he puts both his hands on my shoulders. "As if you could actually threaten me. Your much to soft," he says and I feel very offended. "Soft?!" I start to become angry. And Yellow continues. "Once Blue and I came back from the zoo, you acted like human Fetus," he must of known that White called me a human fetus. So I did something I've never done before. I poked him in the eye, hard. He let go of my shoulders, holding his face, and I kick him in the chest. "If I'm soft, then how come your holding your face?" I make up an insult and turn around sharply making my way to my court. Blue was waiting for me and I tried to restrain my anger. "What happened? Did it go alright?" I took a deep breath. "He called me soft a human fetus, so I poked him in the eye and kicked him," I say and Blue gasps. "Did you actually?" "Yes. I don't want to talk about it right now," I go and find a place to sit, my Pearl instantly going over and comforting me. I help make some decisions with White Diamond over a channel.
Yellow breaks my door with his strange laser like beam. I purposely ignored him, even though I was disappointed about my door, I had just had that fixed after it shattered a few gems. I continued to talk with White. Yellow came behind the screen and shut off the channel. "I believe we have some unfinished business," he states and I roll my eyes. "No, we don't. I'm busy running our world. Your just trying to distract me," I say actually repeating his words to me from a conversation a long while ago. "Are you imitating me?" He asks seriously. "Am I?" I retort back and I look down to see my Pearl attacking Yellow's Pearl.
I stand up form my seat quickly. "Get out," I say sharply. "Why should-" "OUT!" I shout and interrupt him. "I'm done being nice to you Yellow! I'm probably the only nice you've ever really gotten! So therefore I believe your business with me is finished!" I point to the exit. "(Y/-" "What part of out do you not understand! Are you stupid?!" U feel a hard slap across my face. "That's for slapping me earlier. And now your going to listen to me," Yellow tells me and I stay silent. "Your Soft, okay, but your just fine that way. So you'd better stay that way otherwise may White help me, your screwed," he says and starts to walk away. "At least fix my door," I say and he turns around. "Fine. But you listen to me from now on," "Is that considered a desire from you?" I ask and he stays confident. "Maybe,"

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