Pink Lars x Gem reader

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(Your pov) I was inspired after a heartfelt lars vid okay? And I know Sadie and Lars is a hug thing. I ship it so hard okay? But go with it!

Out of any gem, why was I sent to go look for that human in the shut down Kindergarten?!? Geez.
I stop around knowing that the Diamonds wanted me back alive, and with the human, so of course I am a (Gem Type (G/N)). As I keep walking I hear a slightly angry voice. "They had to leave me for a few minutes to do something?? It's been like hours!" I secretly look around the corner to see a pink skinned....


I had no idea Humans were pink! I quickly hid, hoping he didn't hear me. But for a human I do have to say... he is quite cute. No! I shouldn't think like that. But it's true! No! Stay focused (G/N)! I looked back and quickly hid again. I wasn't sure how this was going to go down.
There is a big rock I could squeeze though, and then I could just charge at him.
I have no other plan so I proceed with plan A. I squeeze through a crack in between the rock and the wall and I hide in a hole without the human noticing. Or so I thought. "H-Hey! Who's there! Show yourself!" He shouts and I stay as quiet as possible. He walks around, being much more scared than I was. He picked up a large metal like stick.
He looked in holes until he got to the one I was in, I shaped into the wall so he couldn't see me as he looked. Just by looking at him, I knew he noticed me. He tapped my shoulder. "It's okay to be scare-" I took the chance to tackle him and I could tell he had a wave of fear. We both tried to slap each other repeatedly.
"The Diamonds want you, you know," I hiss at him and he gulps. "Their going to kill me!" He whisper shouts, which made me think we were now whispering. "And their going to shatter me if I don't do this," We both stopped trying to slap each other and I got up. The human scratched stood up and dusted himself off. "So either way one of us dies?" He asks and I give him a serious look. "No kidding!" I say sarcastically. "Well sorry drama queen," He smirks as he says his comment. "So are all humans pink?" I ask with the same tone.
After a long argument I sighed. "I'll make a deal with you, human," "It's Lars," He shoots back quickly. "What?" I ask and it was his turn to sigh. "My name. It's Lars," "Well Lars, I'm a (G/N)," I say and he somehow manages to make a quirky smile. "So what's this deal of yours princess?" He asks and my eyes narrow. "If I get to take you to the Diamonds, I'll make sure they send you back home. And don't ever call me that again," Lars thinks for a moment. "No, and no," He decides and I continue to glare. "Then we're gonna be here for a while,"

Idk about a part two. I had fun writing this. And this is chapter 90!!

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