Yellow Diamond x Ruby! Reader

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Yellow had so many things to do, and all of them had to be done in under 10 minutes. She could get all of them done easily except for one. She decided that would be done by her highest ranking Ruby, (Y/N). Yellow called in her Ruby quickly and she appeared almost instantly. That was the special thing about (Y/N). She was much faster than any other Ruby and was much smarter. It was like she was a different gem all together.
"You have called me My Diamond?" The Ruby asked and Yellow restrained herself from smiling. She liked this Ruby more than a Diamond should, but that's a thing she would never say out loud.
She handed the Ruby a box. "Deliver this to Blue Diamond, collect what she gives you, next bring that to White Diamond, then whatever White gives you, bring it back to me. This needs to be done in 10 earth minutes, do you understand?" Yellow spoke quickly and the Ruby nodded. "Of course my Diamond!" She ran off with the package.

(Your pov)
I ran with the package as fast as I could go, no gem in my way. I exited Yellow Diamonds Court in under thirty seconds. Yellows court was miles wide, and so was Blue Diamonds. I managed to make it to her and a full minute had passed. I had the clear messenger look and the agates let me past so I could give it to her. I had a rest of two minutes so only seven minutes left. Blue Diamond handed me her package and I knew that getting to White Diamonds would either be going across the abandoned kindergarten for a minute or going through all the courts at a minute thirty. I chose the whole Court cross so I wouldn't get hurt. I traveled back across Blue Diamond's Court, admiring all the buildings along the way, then Yellow Diamond's Court, a familiar place and familiar buildings. Finally I made it to White Diamond's Court. Everything looked so much fancier than in Blue or Yellow's Court. I slowly made my way, the reason it made the trip a minute thirty and I found the main prospect of the court itself, White Diamond. I was let in by her Agates as well and I handed her the package. She gave me a much larger package than before, much larger than me. Five and a half minutes left. I should make it with 2 minutes left if I'm careful.
I decided to speed walk, finally taking in my surrounding. After a minute thirty again, I reached Yellow Diamonds Court and made my way to her with 3 minutes and 24 seconds to spare. She looked at the package first, and then rolled her eyes. She took the weight off of me and I was very tired. I don't think I've had to run as far as I did with such small breaks.
The package seemed to be the perfect size for her palm, yet not for a Ruby to carry around for long. "Good job," Yellow Diamond held out her other hand for me to get on. Yellow Pearl obviously was jealous, but I got on her hand anyways.

Yellow Diamond is fairly nice once you get to be in her court for a while.

Still sick but I don't care. I've been sick for FAR to long. So screw my sickness. I can think now. And if I can think, I can write

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