Pearl x reader

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You sat on the large rock that everyone knew about. You claimed it to be your own and your best friend Steven knew that. He knew you would literally love Pearl and wanted to get you guys together. He tried and tried to get Pearl to go to the rock but never succeed... until...

"Steven. I'll be at the Rock if you need me." You told him. "Alright! Should I meet you there?" He asked the (h/c) (gender). "Only if you want to. I don't mind either way..." but the truth was that you really did mind. Your parents didn't like you so you were always out 24/7.
You went to the rock like normal and it took you a few minutes to climb it. After you got up you just sat there for a few minutes before you head foot steps. You turned to see if it was Steven but it wasn't. "woah..." you mumbled in awe. She was the prettiest person you had ever seen. The gigantic Pearl on her head shined very bright with the reflection of the sunset. You felt yourself heat up but, luckily the sunset was making sure it didn't show. "Hi..." you said but she didn't seem to hear you. You had found it very hard to talk to her and kept trying to say 'hello' louder until you were heard. "Oh hello." She didn't say enthusiastically. "What is a human doing on the beach so late?" She seems to ask you. "Well I don't like to go home. No one likes me there." You had said. And to your surprise it was truly honest.
"So what brings you here?"  It was your turn to ask her. "Steven told me there was something important around here. Do you have any idea what it is?" She asked. You 'think' for a second, even though you already knew what Steven had planned. "No I don't have a clue. But he said he would meet me here. He normally does." "Are you two in a human relationship?" She asks almost stern... as if she was jealous or something. "Maybe she's just over protective?" You make a strange face. "No. Definitely not. I made it very clear we were just friends. I think he likes that girl he always talks about anyways." You tell her.
"You mean Connie yes?"
"Yes. I think that was her name."
The woman jumps up onto the rock with astounding height and lands almost perfect. "May I join you then?" She asks. "Of course." "So I'm (Y/N). And you are?" "I'm Pearl."
After a while you too sit in uncomfortable silence.
"Why doesn't anyone like you at your home?" You looks straight into your eyes. You feel the tears welling up, and you had never told anyone. "Um... parents think that I'm a mistake since they didn't mean to have me and I can't do much around the house..." you tell Pearl. She just kind of stares. "Um..." you look at her wondering what she would think. She instantly pulled you into a deep hug and you stayed like that until she let go. "Do you need somewhere to stay for a while?" She asks. You nod. "That would be very nice... but could we not speak of this in public?" "Of course."
You stop her before you two could get off the rock. "This may... this may sound sudden but... Ithinkyourreallypretty!" You blurt out hoping she wouldn't make you repeat yourself. "For a human you look very nice as well."
She took your hand as you walked to the temple.

Sorry for the feels but it had to be done! And I hope you like it! @fxbulousmisfit (sorry if I spelled that wrong!)

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