Jasper x bullied! reader

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SURPRISE! I WILL DO THIS FOR MY GREAT FRIEND toybeaver !!!!! Hope you enjoy! Also language! I
(Jasper's pov)

I love my girlfriend. She's so pretty, but I think she's mad. "(Y/N)? Are you okay?" "Does it look like I'm okay?"she responds to me in a snotty tone. "Babe, calm down-" "No!" She started to cry as she curled up into a ball on the floor. I went over to her and I set her in my lap. "What's wrong?" I ask.

(Your pov)

Jasper asked me what was wrong. If I told her she'd go ballistic. If I didn't tell her she would bug me until I did. So either way it's best to just get it over with. I sniff,
"A-at work, there are some girls-" "I'll kill them,"
"No!" I say as I grab onto her and as she stands up. "It's fine Jasper! I promise!" She looked at me and then sat on the couch. "Fine. But you better tell me next time this happens," I nod. "I will. But no hurting people okay?" I play with her hair as she grunts.

*time skip to next morning*

I enter the office, checking the time on my phone, 7:37, almost time for them to show up and make fun of me for something. My home screen is a picture of Jasper and me. "And who's that?" I hear a familiar tone ask me. "Is she your friend or something?" The girl asks. ((R/N) rivals name) and her friends, Becca and Alice, (IM SO SORRY IF THOSE ARE YOUR NAMES!) stand in front of me. "No she's not my friend-" Becca made a snooty laugh. "Your Gay?" "Pan sexual. Actually," Alice took my phone from my hands and handed it to (R/N) who threw it in the trash can. Alice laughed at her own thought. "At least you fell in love with another super ugly person," I felt my anger rise. Since I told Jasper no hurting them, I'll do it myself.
I gave Alice a hard punch in her face. "Why don't you leave my gem girlfriend alone, you thot" I say and Alice gets up with tears in her eyes. Because gasps. "You hoe! How could you?!" She shouts at me. "Do you want some of this bit**!?" I shout and my boss comes around the corner. "What's going on here?" Becca tried to act innocent. "(Y/N) punched Alice!" "Well (R/N) threw my phone in the garbage and Alice called my girlfriend ugly, and assumed my sexuality! I'm done with all of you stressing me every Fuck*** day!" My boss look at the three girls and then at me. "You three, I want to see you in my office! Now," she motions (R/N), Alice and Becca away. I thought I was going to get a beating but my boss just started to laugh. "I always wondered when you were gonna stick up for yourself! Good job!" She pat me on the back and grabbed my phone. I looked at my phone, and in that amount of time I got about 3 calls from Jasper. "Actually, I think my girlfriend would love to have the honor of talking to them," I say and my boss smirks. "I would like to see that. I also have a girlfriend. I plan to propose this tomorrow," I smile at her. "Best of luck to you then!" I say and just as I finish Jasper walks in through the door and I smile.
"Hey!" "Don't 'hey' me," I look over at my boss and she nods. "You know how I said no hurting?" Jasper looks at me suspiciously. "Yeah, why?" "Well scratch that. Alice called you ugly so I called her a thot and punched her," I say as my boss, Jasper and I walk over to the office. Jasper smirked, "That doesn't sound like you," I smile brighter. "I know,"
"Give them a good talk first. Then beat them so hard their own mothers will be the one that could ever love them!" I say as we open the door. For the next five minutes everyone in the office could only hear the screams of the three girls.

That was fun. I had fun. I hope you had fun reading this. But I need more requests! Yay for CHAPTER 100!!

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