Pearl x mute!neko! Reader

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(Y/N)'s Pov.

I wore a hat and some long clothes to cover my ears and tail. I mean, no one would notice anyways right? They never do. I live on the outskirts of Beach City and I only come to the center on town when I need food. Today was one of those days. I needed food. And fast. I went to the big donut with the money I earned from helping Mr. Smiley clean. He was the only one of the only ones who knew I was mute too or that I even existed. Sadie knew as well and she'd always give me a donut or two free.
I waved to Sadie. "Hey (Y/N)!" She called out to me. Lars was there too. "You want your usual today?" She asked me. I nodded and payed what I had. Luckily, Lars was asleep so I grabbed my food and left. I always had clean water from the well so gathering water was no problem.
"Hey Steven!" Sadie had called out to the boy entering beside me. Lars had woken up with a fright. The other boy or Steven as Sadie called him, took a glance at me and before he could say anything, I left.
I could tell he followed me probably wanting to know about me so I kept one hand on my hat and the other with the bad of donuts. I ran as fast as I could and didn't look back.
Steven shouted. "Stop please!" But I didn't look back. When I finally got home I locked the door and I sighed. There was no way I was going to allow myself to have friends besides Sadie and Mr. Smiley. I heard a knock on my door and I stayed silent. Well I couldn't make any noise anyways so what was the point of trying to make as much noise as possible? "Please I know your here. I just want to be your friend that's all!" I knocked back on the wooden door for Morris code. 'If you can understand this you can be my friend' I tapped. My favorite was 'I love you' because it had such Rhythm to it. I took off my hat and I hear Steven walk away. Many minutes later I heard another knock. "Please?" He asked this time and after him I hear another voice. The voice was pure elegance with a touch of sweetness. "Steven. People take time. You can't force them to talk to you," "I know but can you try Pearl?" Steven asked. Pearl. What a beautiful name... I thought.
I heard another knock on the door but it was different. It sounded planned and organized if knocks could possibly even be organized. "Hello? Um if you don't mind, may I speak to you?" Her voice echoed in my head. I wanted to open the door but I didn't. She knocked again but a bit quieter. "Hello?"
I hesitated but gradually I opened it with glaring eyes. And if eyes could kill I would have killed her at lease 12 times over. She had a gem on her head. Presumably a Pearl by her name. "Oh!" She laughed slightly and... blushed? "So, *ahem* I'm Pearl and this is Steven. And you may be?" I started to sign words. 'Leave. Don't come back. Please,' Pearl looked a bit confused and Steven looked overwhelmed "why do you want us to leave may I ask?" She had actually understood. I was so amazed I forgot to sign back. Her hand waved in front of my face. "Hello?" She asked yet again. 'Because. I. Don't. Need. Friends,' I told her. "Well I beg to differ,"
'Fine then. I'm (Y/N). And your Pearl. Now go,' I signed and with that I tried to close the door. Her foot was to quick and she tried to pry the door open while I was pushing. "What sass you have (Y/N)! You remind me, of me," she told me trying to get me off guard but I kept trying to close the door each time banging her foot in between. "Steven. Go home I'll take care of this okay?" She instructed him. "Oh okay Pearl. But come home quick okay?" She laughed a bit. "Of course Steven,"
And with that the Steven boy went home and Pearl finally decided to use her full strength and push open the door making my hat fly off. I tried to grab it but I had gotten a soft hand on mine. "(Y/N). Why don't you want any friends?" I look away not wanting to answer because, I didn't have to. Yeah she was pretty and I looked like some weird classy loser but it's not like I'm gonna take crap from her. "(Y/N)?" She made me look straight at her. "You have very nice ears," she started to pet and I tried my best not to look embarrassed while her other hand still had my wrist. "I think I would like to get to know you better," she smiled.

That took forever to me. Okay! So now next story! Imma get all these done for you!

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