Crystal Gems x Rose Quartz! Reader

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For Matt_X_Edd also your gem placement is above Rose's BTW live mid stomach that's above the naval.

(Your pov)
As I wake up, it seems that I'm off a beach. I see a Pearl who seems to be freaking out. IM ON EARTH?!?! She looks over at me and gasps. "Rose! Your alive! And for that matter, awake!" The strange thing is, I don't remember having a Pearl.
I sit up and I continue to look at the Pearl, who seems to be overzealous about me well being, strangely enough, but she doesn't seem to be too bad of a character. "Wait! Stay here!" She says and I continue to sit. She runs off, heading towards a human populated area.
I'm going to have to tell her I'm not who she thinks I am. But then again if she has friends, she might shatter me! She comes back with two humans and starts talking to me again. "I wanted to make sure Steven and Greg got to see you first!" I looked at her with pure confusion. "Look, I.... umm.... I'm pretty sure I'm not the right gem your looking for," I say and the Pearl starts to wink at me. "Oh, I get it," she giggles slightly and I look over at the taller human, who seems to be mystified by something about me. "No I'm serious," I say and she stops giggling and I felt a slight sense of sadness. "I'm really not sure which Rose Quartz your talking about, but I'm pretty sure I'm not the right one your looking for. Now, don't get me wrong, I think you look like an amazing Pearl and I have nothing against humans, but I just don't want to raise false hope," I say and there was complete silence.
The smaller human thinks for a minute. "Well she may not be my mom, but that doesn't mean she can't join us!" He says and I fell confused on the term 'mom'. "Well that is true Steven," "I think you may be on to something little buddy," the taller human says after the Pearl speaks.
Honestly I have no idea where their going to take this. I guess I have no home anymore. As I look at the taller human again, he seems to be more mystified each and every look I give him.
Eventually two more gems come out of the house on the beach and the Pearl, excuse me, Pearl goes and talks to them. The smaller human, who I believe is named Steven, goes as well. I'm stuck with the taller human and I felt embarrassed. I had no idea what to say to him. "I didn't catch your name. What is it?" I ask and his eyes light up. "I'm Greg. Greg Universe, Stevens father," he says and holds out his hand. I take it carefully and nervously.
I know this is going to be a strange ride.

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