Rainbow Quartz/ Steven x reader

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your a girl wanting her fusion mother Rainbow Quartz but Rose is gone and Steven is there. I changed the chapter title

I remember the pretty lady. She practically glowed with beauty and I stared in awe. Knowing that a four year old like me, alone and homeless, wouldn't be able to know such joy with mommy's and Daddy's. I would always see kids holding there hands and things but I've never gotten to actually touch anyone's hand. Not even the man who gives me food, Mr. Smiley. He would by things from the dock and give it to me.
The pretty lady saw me and I backed away and ran into my normal alleyway that I'd lived in my whole life. I hid where no one could find me in a little hole in a building wall that I dug out to look natural. I saw her feet walking away and I stayed put until I had to sneeze. "Oh no..." I thought. I tried to hold it in but with no room to let it pass it came out like a kittens Mew.
I heard her turning back and before I could crawl into the shadows she bent down and looked at me. She didn't say anything but extended her one of her two hands out to me. I hesitated to take it but slowly I touched her finger and held on to it and she helped me out of the hole in the wall.
It looked like she was arguing with herself through her eyes after a while until she split in half. Then I saw a tall woman with long pink curls and another one still tall but not as tall with short pointed hair. I scream yet I didn't run. They both looked at me and the one with the pink curls came over to me. "Hello there I'm Rose. I'm sorry about that," her voice was kind. "We can't keep her Rose!" The other one spoke. She sounded really Sour. "Please Pearl? She has no one to go to," Rose looked at Pearl and then Pearl looked at me. "Ugh fine. But your taking care of her," "but..." I spoke and they both looked at me immediately. "What about mommy?"
They looked at each other without knowing that I meant the other lady. "You know where your mother is?" Pearl asked and I nodded pointing and both of them with two fingers and then putting my fingers together. "She meant Rainbow Quartz," Rose's eyes sparkled. "Come on Pearl you have to help me now,"
That's most I remember until now. I woke up now 5 and Pearl was there but Rose wasn't there to wake me up. The now tallest Lady, Garnet, was there and so was Amethyst but she looked prettier.
I fell out of my bubble and that's when I climbed up the vines and saw that instead of Rose, it was a boy. My hand slipped and I fell onto the ground hitting my back and then my head. I didn't say anything but I saw Pearl come down and gasp very loudly. I grabbed my lower back in pain and I felt something crack. My eyes turned wide and I stared at her. "Pearl, something cracked," I say in my childish voice. "Dear heavens (Y/N)! What happened how'd you get out?" I hear Amethyst jump in. "Woah," she said. "How'd that happen?" Pearl gave her a serious look then turned back to me. "What cracked (Y/N)?" She looked like she was on the verge of freaking out. "I don't know. It wasn't my back but something on it," Pearl looked like she had just gone crazy. "Oh dear," she runs over to me helped me up looking on my back to see if I broke any bubbles from my fall. She gasped and motioned Amethyst over. "Woah. P. I never expected this," "And you think I did?" "What is it and where's Rose?" I ask kindly turning around to face them. Amethyst looked away and so did Pearl. I stopped and started to climb up the vines again. I looked up again and the boy looked at me from across the new area I was looking at. "They never had this when I was here. It was just rocks," Then I remember Mr. Greg. I climb all the way up and Pearl jumped up after me. I turn around to her and push her back in with all my body strength. "Stay away from me!" I shout and I run out the door. "(Y/N) get back here!" I hear Pearl shout and all three gems run after me. For a 5 year old I was fast, and pretty small. I dive under Garnets hands and jump over Amethyst's back. "Mr. Smiley!" I scream. "Help!" I see the donut place that Mr. Smiley had opened and I run into it and start to place tables, chairs and whatever I can find. "Hey, hey, what's going on?" I hear a lady ask. "Gems. Chasing. Help," I say out of breath. "Hide me!" She laughed. "Is it a game your playing with Steven?" I stared at her. "I don't know a Steven and all I know is my mommy's gone. Mr. Smiley used to try and take care of my without taking care of me. Please hide me somewhere," I say and she takes me to the work room. "Okay but try not to wake up Lars. I'm Sadie," "(Y/N). Thank you," I I see a perfect spot and I clear out the dust and hide there. Lars had woken up and looked very angry. I must have woken him up. I heard Sadie undo my chairs and Tables setting them back nicely. Lars walked outside the room and said something rude to the boy I heard named Steven. He must have followed me or Pearl sent him. He said something to Sadie but she shook her head and said she couldn't show him something. He said something and she came into the work room and found me. "(Y/N) he said you cracked your Gem and he wants to help you," "Well tell him to leave me alone until I see Rose!"
Sadie went out and told him and he came into the work room himself. "Hi... (Y/N) I'm Roses son. I'm here to help you," I stand out of my hiding spot and walk over to him. "No your not," I say. "Yes I am, I'm also Greg's son. I made a pretty angry face and he seemed to tense up. "Then why don't you get Rainbow Quartz. She's the only one who's going to keep me still!" I push past him and run out the Donut shop and I knew there was going to be a trap. I jumped over a rope and Steven tripped over it, catching him. I laugh and head over to the gas station where I see Greg. He looks a lot older than when I first met him. "Mr. Greg!" I shout. He looks over and his eyes become wide. "(Y/N)! You... look exactly the same... when did I last see you?" "I don't know, but mommy's gone and she's not coming back is she?" I ask and Mr. Greg knew about my relations to Rainbow Quartz. "Not until Rose comes back in sorry," "I know but there trying to put me back to sleep! I'm still 5 and there's a house!" I say and I see Steven running after me. "Sorry Mr. Greg gotta run!" I shout and keep running. "You've met my son Steven right?!" Mr. Greg asks. "I guess! But that's who I'm trying to run from!"
As I run I get tripped by a familiar Shield. I grab I and hug it tightly. I try to get up but Steven touches my shoulder. "Please let me help you," says and I sit back down. "Fine. But my real mommy has to be here before you can put me back to sleep," "Wait there gonna put you back in a bubble?" "That's what they should do. But that's going to be a long one since only half of my mommy is here. "Wait so who's your mom?" "Rainbow Quartz!" I say happily. "A fusion right? Of who?" Steven asks quickly. "Pearl and Rose," I say almost in a whisper. "I don't want to talk about it," "well do you mind if I heal your gem?" He asks. " I don't have one," I say. "Yes you do, its right here," I touches it and shivers go down the rest of my spine. "Maybe that's how they bubbled you. Because your half gem, like me!" "Half gem?" I ask. "Yeah, I don't know which gem this is though but you cracked it so I'm gonna heal it," I hear Steven lick his hand and place it on my apparent gem.
"There you are!" I hear Pearl shout and more chills run down my spine. I let out a small squeak. Pearl hugs me from behind. "Your gonna make me go back aren't you..." I more say than ask. "Well... no actually," I turn around. "Why not? That's what you did last time," "your a Star Sapphire, why would we?" Amethyst says and I raise an eyebrow. "A what?" "Amethyst! I was going to tell her!" "Sorry P," "so I am a gem?" I ask. "Yes, (Y/N) and you can stay, or you you can go back to sleep," "so I'm like you?" I ask before I answer. Pearl sighs. "Yes. Somehow after the war you forgot who you were and your gem reformed you couldn't remember what you were supposed to do," "Is that why all the food I ate came back up?" I more asked myself. "Well you gotta make a hole in your stomach," Amethyst tells me. I look confused at her. "I'll teach you later,"
I look back at Pearl. "I'll stay!" I say and Pearl smiles. "Do you have a weapon though?" Steven asks. I reach for my gem. I try to think of what it would be. I feel something touch my hand and I grip onto it. I pull out a closed umbrella with a long point. The umbrella is blue with stars on it. "I like it," I say and I start to sound older.
*special fusion*
I'm okay now. I'm not such a little kid after all. That's good though since I thought I wasn't growing up in that bubble.
Steven and I high fived and a bright light consumed us. "Woah!" I hear Steven say and then we say it together somehow. "Who are we Steven?" I ask. "I don't know I thought you knew," We laugh. "Hmm... Blueberry Quartz..." I mumble. "Blueberry Quartz!" I shout. "Yeah!" Steven and I run around and show Pearl, Garnet and Amethyst.
(The purple looking Blueberry Quartz FYI)

Thanks a million for reading!

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