Off Colored Gems x Toddler reader

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For IrisFortney!

Being stuck as a child onto an Topaz isn't very funny when your hungry. Luckily Lars was taking care of me at the time of our abduction and he has my bad of food. "Lars!" I say with a large pout and he looks at me almost freaked out. "Gah! (Y/N)! How are you here?!" I ignored his question. "Food!" I say and he holds up my bag and gives me some food.

Time skip

Steven is put on a large stool and the big gems are mean to him. I'm stuck on Lars' lap, forced to watch them being mean. Lars has a large bubble on his head, and Steven is saying that he did something he didn't. I could tell the large yellow gem being suspicious and I felt anger. She was the main one accusing him. She can't to that without actual proof. I see the small Blue gem on his side and I remove myself from Lars and I waddle my way over. "Hi!" I say quietly, but loud enough for her to hear. She looks down and me and gives me a small wave, then returning to her work. At least she was nice. The same looking gem that was yellow was mean to me. Calling me a dummy! She can't do that! I waddle back to Lars and I lay down to sleep. I know when my nap time is. I use Lars as a legendary lap pillow and I fall asleep quickly.
I feel I'm picked up and there was running. The running stopped and then we started to move as if a car. Then we started to fall. Then we stop falling. Then we are walking. Then we run; we stop. Then we jump down and hole and I wake up because is hurt. "Ow," I say and Lars fixes me to a more comfortable position. I see a gem, a red gem, who is two gems!
I wave to the gem, who is two and they smile at me. At me! Then they closely examine us, the right one poking my stomach and I laugh. Soon we start walking and we reached a big area we're other gems came out! I slipped out of Lars' arms once again and I run toward the first one I see. A big one with fluffy hair, like Garnet, but she had two sets of arms and her hair had more poof! She looked nervously at me and I hold up my hands toward her. "Up!" I say and she picks me up with all four arms, very carefully and I became one of the tallest people in the room. I got to be hair to eye with Lars, him being the hair and I being the eye. I giggled and he gave me a friendly smile. I see a small gem come out and she has a gem that looks like one of Garnets.
Then, I hit the jackpot with the largest gem. She was like an awesome caterpillar!

I'm not leaving. No matter what!

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