Blue Pearl x reader

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You were about as quiet as someone could get. You almost never said a word unless you had to.
Today, you were hanging out with Steven. He was trying to get you to talk more but didn't know how. "So hey (Y/N)?" He asked. "Hm?" "Why don't you talk very much?" "Well... I didn't really get taught so I learned myself and I guess I really didn't like it," you respond quietly and moved your game board piece. Steven moved his and Garnet came in with a loud slam from the door, receiving a quiet Yelp from you. "Steven (Y/N) come see this!" Amethyst called from the patio. You got up gently and followed Steven only to see a blue gem on the beach. She looked kind of like Pearl to an extent but a bit like Lapis, who you had meet and gotten along great with.
"May I go to her?" You asked saying your first thing in front of them. Amethyst was more shocked about your voice than anything. "Woah (Y/N)! You have a quiet voice!" Pearl looked at you in the eyes. "And why would you want to go down there and risk yourself?" She asked to see if you had a better reason that: cuz I want to. "I know my own self defense, I do have my pocket knife and I'm faster than I look. Also I might be able to understand better on why she's here for you," Pearl was honestly not to impressed with your reasons but didn't say no. Garnet had just put a hand on your shoulder and said, "be careful," then she let you go.
You walked down the stairs and walked quietly and calmly to her. You tapped her on she shoulder and she turned around with a small shriek. You held your hands up, close to your chest and then moved your hair back to its original position which resembled hers. You hair had always been like how you had just put it but you had to move it to make people less uncomfortable. "Hi..." you said quietly. She looked at you her hands on top of each other pressed in a calm manner even though she was shaking like crazy.
You gently sat down on your knees and held a hand out to her. She looked really pretty and you wanted to tell her but didn't know how. Hesitantly, she took your hand and sat down the same way facing you. "I'm (Y/N)," you spoke as quiet as you had before and she responded back in an even quieter voice. "I'm Blue Pearl," "it's very nice to meet you Blue Pearl. May I ask what brings you to earth on this day?"
She looked down and thought hard. "I... I don't remember I-it's hard to think," "That's alright take your time," she looked up and saw the other gems then quickly looked back at you. "Will they... will they hurt me?" She asked you, her voice quivering ever so slightly. "They should not. If they do I'll be here to help you," you calmed her.
"You look very pretty might I say," you said in a way you thought she wouldn't think you were a gross human. "Why thank you! You look very pretty yourself!" She warmed up to you quickly. You giggled a bit. "Why thank you!"
Never in all of Stevens life had he ever seen you talk to someone so much. "Hey what should we do? Do we leave them to talk?" Steven asked his gem-moms. "Yes. (Y/N) is handling this just fine," Garnet spoke and she walked inside. Amethyst followed along with Steven but Pearl stayed out there wondering how (Y/N) managed to calm a Pearl down.
You had took a brave step and hugged Blue Pearl and quickly moved away. "I'm so sorry!" You spoke quickly. "No!" She put her hand over her mouth to stifle a laugh. "It was fun," she pulled you in for another one.
"Hey... since my parents are never home, would you like to spend the night?" You asked Blue Pearl. "Of course that would be very nice," you held up a finger. "Wait just one second," you wrote in the sand and then you took Blue Pearls hand and walked away.

'Sorry I'm leaving. Be back tomorrow and please don't hurt Blue Pearl, she's nice,'

I am definitely making a part two to this one! What about the Yellow Pearl one? Should I?

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