Lapis x mute reader part 2

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@kanata10 asked for this! I remember where it left off so... (FYI slight cursing but nothing to serious)

Let's get started!

When I mean stuff went down after Lapis smirked I mean something large and heavy landed on me. It wasn't a fun experience and Lapis was extremely worried that I was killed. I would have have said: Oh no I'm fine don't worry about me! But I can't speak. Of course I can't and there's obviously no way to fix that but that's not really what I want to think about. All of a sudden, whatever the thing that was on top of me started to lift up off the ground. I did as well. What the Hell!? I tried to reach out to the ground but my fingers barely touched the grass. It wasn't lapis because she ran to go get Steven instead of helping. It's kind of rude but I don't mind it as long as I'm not hurt.
"(Y/N)! Hang on we'll get you!" Lapis made her water wings but every time our hands were centimeters away something would push her away. It's like one of those alien abduction scenes gone wrong. Soon the world went black.
When I wake up I'm in a ship. Of course I'd be in a ship I mean why the freaking hell not?!  I look around not knowing what to do. I can't cry out and it seems to practically be abandoned except for the fact there are so many others here with me. I'm in a cell by my own but the others, humans, they seemed to stare at each other not daring to say a word.
One person looks at me and it's hard to tell if there a boy or a girl. There obviously a child but they're tall with boyish haircut. They seemed to have a vocaloid shirt and that still didn't clear up what gender they were. I make a small wave and they seems to be the only other happy person here. "I'm Nayelli! And you are?" She asks. I start to sign and she gets the point that I can't talk. "So I'm just gonna call you Bob until we can get paper and pencil for you okay?" She asks and u nod. I hear some muttering about being hungry.
I have a candy bar that I was going to save for later but I divide it and give it to the others making sure that I don't leave any for seconds. Nayelli takes her piece and eats like there's no tomorrow and they all wipe there mouths so it looks like they haven't ate. I felt really bad and I had no idea how long they'd been here for. Yet one by one they would disappear until it was just Nayelli and me.
Where did they all go? I wonder and then they go and take her. "Bob!" She cried out and I reached an hand for her knowing that it was going to be just like me and Lapis. I wasn't going to save her and I felt responsible. But it was too late she was gone. I sat alone until it was my turn. It was useless to cry for help and even trying to run. I had never seen the outline of the ship or blueprints.
Everything happened so fast and when I woke up I felt sick and everything hurt. The gems that were on the ship looked pleased with me and then just threw me back on earth. Beach city of course, with a mouthful of sand. I looked and I had a gem on (placement) and I couldn't help but try and scream. But this time a voice actually came out. I cover my mouth and I hear Pearl rush out of the house. "(Y/N)? What are you doing here? I thought you were with Steven at the Barn?" I didn't want to say anything so I wrote it down in the sand. "I was but I was taken and then this," I show her the gem. "And what was the scream I heard?" Pearl asks and I slowly tap myself telling her that I made it.
"Well let's get you back to the barn okay?" I nod and follow Pearl. She helps me use the warp pad and then after I land at the Barn she goes back to the temple. "(Y/N)!" Steven shouts and runs into me. I fall and he laughs while I make a serious face. "I thought you were dead!" He suddenly turns sad. I didn't want to say anything because I would scare him but the new voice I had sounded like the voice I should have had. 'Steven can I tell you something?' I ask and he nods. "Sure what is it?" I whisper into his ear. "I have no idea what happened except I was the only one that didn't die," he looks at me and freaks out. "You can talk now!?!" "Apparently but... I don't really like it...I guess I'm just used to signing," Steven grabs my wrist. "Go to Lapis now! She's worried sick!" "About me?" I ask being kind of dumb. "Yes you (Y/N)!" He shoves me over where I get to go talk to my new gem girlfriend.

Man I'm getting really cheesy aren't I? Eh I don't mind.

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