Lapis x reader

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You and Lapis took a nice walk at the barn. You thought she had only considered you as a friend. You had no idea what she actually thought of you. "Hey Lapis?" You turned your face to her. "Yes (Y/N)?" She asked you. "What is it like being a gem?" She sighed. "Actually it's not that fun. You have to watch people die and time goes by to quickly. Since you asked that what is it like to be human?" You hesitated. "Well... you can't be as strong as you want to be... and your always scared that your going to die next. Time is to fast and it's feels like you've already waisted most of your life on trivial things,"
Lapis paused. She though about what you had said and opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. It was like she was picking her words carefully for you. "Say... (Y/N)?" "Yes Lapis?" "Can I spend the remainder of your life with you?"

So short! I'm sorry I've had so much to do and I've been panicking a lot and stuff so yeah!

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