Rhodonite x Small! Off colors reader

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For Alex_Heart267

The Rutile Twins came back with two humans! I've never seen humans before! I go up to one of them, the smaller of the two, for my size is quite, small, and I pet his hair. "Now (G/T), we can go around petting humans heads. It's rude," Rhodonite says and I pout. "But look at him! He's still taller than me!" I say and she tries to hold a laugh, Padparadscha Sapphire, slowly but surely, starts to laugh. "Now, now, Rhodonite don't be mean to (G/T)," Fluorite backs me up and I smile confidently.
I'm a (G/T) and I'm only about the size of an Aquamarine!(If you are an Aquamarine let it be another reason) the smaller human, who called himself Steven picks me up. "Your so cute!" He almost coo's and I try to look as confident as possible. "And that I am!" I say, trying to make the best of the situation at hand. The human, Lars, walks up and takes me out of Steven's hands. Then examines me. "Aren't you a bit small?" He asks and I nod. "That's why I'm here!" I say happily. I love my friends and secretly does anyone know, I really like Rhodonite, and that's why I'm trying to impress her.
The Rutile twins take me out of Lars' arms and set me down. "That's enough," "That's enough carrying for today (G/T)," They say and we all slightly laugh. We hear a noise and Rhodonite gasps. "The Shattering Robonoids are here!" She picks up Padparadscha and everyone else runs. I'm stuck trying so run with my tiny legs. My gem gets scanned and I barely doge the laser. "Who was supposed to pick up (G/T)?!" Fluorite asks very scared for my well being and everyone looks at Padparadscha. I run for my life and Lars runs up and picks me up off the ground and he continues to run. He throws me at Rhodonite and I I make a small squeak as I'm caught. Padparadscha speaks, "I was supposed to get her," she says and Rhodonite sighs. I close my eyes for the rest of the battle until I hear Steven shout, "Lars!" I squeeze myself out of Rhodonite's arm but she catches me. "What are you doing?" "I have to go see if he's okay!" I struggle and I keep trying to get out of a strong grip and then she stands up and walks over to Lars with Padparadscha and me in her arms. Rhodonite sets me down and I run over next to Steven. He doesn't seem to be moving until he turns pink. "Do humans normally turn pink?" I ask and Steven looks at me as if saying no. Lars get up and Steven starts talking to him. I'm pulled aside by Fluorite. "Are you alright (G/T)?" She asks and I nod. "I'm okay! But don't be mad at Padparadscha. She didn't have time to grab me! I was too far away," I say and Fluorite smiles and lets me go. "As long as your alright," she says and I walk away.
I see others comforting Padparadscha Sapphire and I go over to her. She was crying and I felt bad so I gave her a long hug. Even though I'm much shorter than she is. Rhodonite looks over at me and she smiles. I know she likes Padparadscha and there's nothing I can do about it. They look cute together too!
"(G/T) can I talk to you?" Rhodonite asks and I nod but as soon as I'm about to let go, Padparadscha hugs me back and I smile. After our hug, I follow Rhodonite and she takes me to an almost completely secluded area. "What you did was very brave today," she tells me and I nod. Honestly at this point I don't care what I did. As long as everyone else is okay I'm fine.
As I'm lost in thought Rhodonite picks me up and places a gentle kiss on my cheek. "Your too cute,"

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