Padparadscha x Gem reader

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(Your pov)

She waited for me because she wanted to talk about something. Even though I was already therefor about two minutes. I must say I love her. Padparadscha Sapphire, my everything, my world. "Oh! (G/T)!" She motioned me to follow her and she took me to a secluded area.
My darling, my world, my everything, Padparadscha Sapphire. "(G/T)..." I waited for her to speak, but she hesitated. She was nervous. "It's okay Padparadscha. You can tell me anything," I almost said 'after all you are my everything,' but I refrained myself. She suddenly had a burst of energy. "I just had the most wonderful vision! I-I love you," I could feel my eyes brighten.
My love, my world, my darling, my everything, Padparadscha Sapphire, felt the same way. I picked her up and spun her around. I kissed her cheek and she blushed while giggling. "And my vision says you feel the same way!"

I know that was short but I thought it was cute. Don't judge me.

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