Azurite x reader

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Screw what I asked for! I'm bored and I'll do it anyways!

Azurite had a tendency to... trip on things. Being as clumsy as she was, she tripped on a rock on the top of the light house and fell. Why didn't she save herself with water? She didn't know. All she knew was she had fallen all the way onto the beach and had landed on a human. She had never made any other human contact besides Steven so she got off quickly. "I-I am s-so s-s-sorry!" She helped the female up and then checked her gem. Luckily falling on the human had saved her gem from cracking. "I-I fell from the l-light H-house and I-I'm so s-sorry!"
The female laughed. "don't worry! That's okay! Are you hurt?" She asked the gem. "No. Are you?" "Nothing but a few scratches that's all!"
The wind blew and all of Azurites navy blue, curly hair blew into her face. "I'm Azurite. And you are if I may ask?" "I'm (Y/N)," "(Y/N)... that has a very nice ring to it!" (Y/N) checked to time. "Oh! I'm so sorry but I gotta go home! Um how about we meet here at 10 am?" Azurite nodded. "That would be absolutely delightful! Thank you!" And with that they parted ways.

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