Yandere Yellow Diamond x Pearl x Gem reader pt2

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I woke up in an unfamiliar place. "Wha-" I stopped myself. I had to go stealth. I peeked over the room to see the familiar Pearl but two different gems with her and a human. What are they doing associating with humans?!? That's absurd! I thought and kept silent secretly listening. "Pearl! When are Connie and I training with you again?" The human boy asked. She's training humans? That's stupid. "When ever Connie is off and her mother lets her of course Steven. Why would you like separate training too?" His eyes lit up. "Yes! Pearl that sounds like so much fun!" I felt myself slipping so I sat down pretending that I just re-formed when the Pearl peeked over into the room and saw me. "Garnet, Amethyst, Steven, can I have a minute? I'll meet you at the sky arena," she tells them and they leave, making it just the two of us.
She slipped into the room trying to make herself bigger than she was. "So your awake. That took a while," she spoke in a motherly tone. I glared at her. "you know that Yellow Diamond was going to shatter every gem who talked to you. So we thought it would be best to fake shatter you to get you out of there," she spoke again. "How'd you know? It's not like your a mind reader! Yellow diamond is a great diamond! Her way is just!" I say back at her. "We over hear her talking to herself. Shattering is wrong. You know that right?"
Log: 275
After her question I calmed down much more accepting my fate and becoming a Crystal Gem. Turns out the boy was half gem half human and the two gems, Garnet and Amethyst, were very nice. Pearl became my favorite quickly. I wanted to be just like her.
Yet I missed my diamond and homewold, but I'm glad no one got shattered because of me. I hope my friends are safe.
End of Log.

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