Rose x Mute! Reader

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(There is some music for you to read with!)
You walked around Beach City looking for something to do that didn't require talking. Little did you know you had a quirky excited woman following you. (QUIRKY IN A GOOD WAY!) You went to Fun Land but had no way to tell Mr. smiley that you wanted a ride. Mr. Smiley was young in his early 20's but he had no idea that you were mute. You walked away sad and left to go find a place on the beach. When you went you saw a fence and you thought that was purely ridiculous and hopped the fence. The Woman behind you floated over it so she could talk to you. "You know this is private property right?" She asks you with a beautiful voice. You tried to sigh to her but she had no idea what you were saying. "Please write it out instead. I would hate to trouble you by not understand," She encourages you as you wrote on the sand. 'That's stupid the beach is for everyone,' you had wrote. "Yes i understand but it is for the safety of humans," she tried to reason with you. 'Well Humans are smarter than we look. It's not like we're defenseless,' you pulled out your gun and yes you do have a gun license. Rose looked stunned at the gun. "What is that?" She asks. 'It's a gun. It's what people use to do two things. Kill or save.' Out of sudden reaction Rose had hugged you. You had decided to nick name her Rose because of her hair. It was a nice pink Rose color. "I'm Rose by the way. And you are?" You knew it! Her name was Rose! '(Y/N),' You wrote on the sand quickly but neatly enough for her to see. "My your just the cutest thing though!" She squealed at you and you blushes slightly. "Here. Hope he fence tomorrow so we can hang out some more okay?" She giggled and beautifully floated away. You sat there stunned from what just happened. "Woah," you mouthed.

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