Male Amethyst X reader

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I haven't done Amethyst in a while and I feel bad. So thanks for requesting this!Marvelgirly!
(Your pov)

As I'm talking with Nora, I hear a shout and I move over. Amethyst lands next to me and laughs. "How'd you know I was going to land there?" I laugh. "You do it all the time!"
I go over and grab a Twinkie from the cabinet. As I unwrap it Amethyst asks me, "Hey (Y/N) wanna see something cool?" I nod. "Sure!" He walks over and eats half of my Twinkie. I gave him a look and he sprints away. I give the rest of my Twinkie to Nora. "Thanks (Y/N)! Though where'd the other half go?" "Inside of Amethyst," I say before I sprint after the purple gem. "Catch me if you can!" He laughs and I feel my eyes glare at him. He uses his speed to get away and I stop to think. I was going to need something fast to catch him. Not just anything was going to work.
Or maybe, I just needed something tactical. A trip wire! I'm pretty sure he won't see this coming! I devise a plan in my mind as I run back inside the temple. "Nora!" I whisper yell and she looks at me. "What's up?" She responds back the same way. "Do you have a long thin wire?" I ask and she thinks. She instantly gets up and grabs a wire; the wire looked perfect and she gave it to me. "Will this work?" She asks and I nod. "This is perfect! Thank you! I'll pay you back for this!" I say as I run down, setting up my trap as I wait for Amethyst to run past me again.
It takes a few minutes but I get up when I hear him. I secretly have the wire behind me and when he runs past me laughing, he gets a mouthful of sand. I walk over, a mischievous smile planted on my face. "Awe (Y/N)! You got me!" He laughs and I felt proud of myself. "But I got you!" He trips me with the wire as well and catches me while he's still on the ground. "Not so funny now is it?" He asks and I fail to hide my laughter. "No I think it's hilarious!"

That was short. But it was good! Honestly I don't know how I'm gonna write the next one. Whenever I write it never seems to come out as planned but I need this next one to be just like I planned!

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