Blue Pearl x reader pt. 2

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The strange this was your Brother (B/N) was home. He was never home. Always with his girlfriends and sleeping over at there houses. "Who's your friend?" He asked like the Jerk he was. "This is... Bianca, she's spending the night," you spoke like you always did. It seemed like he didn't hear you and he didn't care. You took her upstairs to show her your room. "Bianca?" She asked you. "Sorry that was the fastest name I could think of. He would have killed be if I told him your real name! He would think that I'm dumb..." your voice had quivered at the thought. She hugged you. "It's okay. It doesn't matter what people think as long as you accept yourself," you sniffed and hugged her back. "T-thank you,"
"W-well here is my room, sorry it's a bit messy," you told her and it looked spotless. "Messy? I don't see it?" "Well the floor is a little dirty but that's okay right?" "Yeah," Blue Pearl stepped onto your floor and went to sit on your bed. You followed and sat next to her.
~tiny time skip~ Blue's Pov
It is against the rules of the Diamond Authority but I may have fallen go (Y/N). She understands me and tries to protect me. She even went to talk to me instead of having me be attacked by the Crystal Gems and possibly shattered. We both heard a knock at the door and (Y/N) stayed sitting. "I think it might be his new girlfriend or something," she told me. Girlfriend? "(Y/N) do all humans have Girlfriends?" Her cheeks erupted in full pink-ish red. "N-no... um it depends," "Depends on what?" "Wether a human likes the same gender or opposite gender," "Oh. I believe I understand,"
We hear (Y/N)'s brother yell. "(Y/N)! Get down here and bring you friend!" She looked at me, with fear in her eyes yet she took my hand and we went downstairs. "Y-yes?" "Stop acting like your some quiet kid!" He threw something at her and it shattered when it hit her. She screamed and fell. "(Y/N)!" I shouted louder than usual. I ran down to help her up and then I saw that other Pearl there. Was she there to shatter me? (Y/N) wasn't moving but she was breathing. I saw some of what her brother had thrown stuck in her and some deeper than others. I pulled the ones that weren't so deep out. I felt tears well up in my eyes. I turn to him filled with anger, fear and sadness. "What did you do that for?" I ask in a normal tone. "Your mom said she stole you. simple," he responded while on his light device. "One, that lady one is not my mother! Two, you didn't have to hit her with this! And three, I think she stopped breathing," my voice went from loud to quiet quickly. He ignored me and I picked (Y/N) up and I run out of the house with her. "You'll be okay... I just don't know what to do..." I try to concentrate on what needs most attention. The other Pearl came out of the house after me. "I'm so sorry! I didn't know he was going to throw a China plate at her! And I didn't say she stole you I asked if you were here!" The Pearl starts crying. "I'm going to get Steven. You two stay here okay?" She used her extreme jumping ability and goes towards the beach. I stay still trying to calm myself In many different ways. From anger, spasm and fear. I just met her and she could be dying.
Soon the other Pearl came back with another Human, maybe the Steven she talked about. "Oh my goodness what happened to (Y/N)!?" He flipped out. I didn't look as the other Pearl explained. I closed my eyes. Hoping that this is all just a dream and we were still on her bed. The Steven child tapped my shoulder. "Can you do something for me?" He asked and I nodded. "Can you pull those out?"
My lower lip quivered and one by one I began to pull them out carefully. "She's going to be okay." I told myself and I was convinced. After removing many pieces, mainly painful towards me I could see (Y/N) breathing again. "She's okay!" I told myself quietly. I saw the Steven boy lick his hand and place it on her forehead. The cuts began to heal... as if the human had the power of the leader of the Rebellion, Rose Quartz. She woke up moments later, with her hair only covering one eye at this point. "Ow... what happened?" She asked quietly. "Your brother hit you in the face with some very expensive China," the other Peal explained and I hugged her quickly. "Blue Pearl! Your okay right? No harm?" She asked a bit scared. I shook my head. "No none at all. Your brother had taken what that Pearl said the wrong way," she dug her face into my neck. Her breath was warm and it made me tingle. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you," she mumbled. "No you did. You tried as hard as you could. You should contact your parents," I suggest to her. She nods while her face still in my neck. "Yeah," she pulled out her light device from one of her back pockets and she pressed the tab that said 'mom'. "Hey mom?" She asks. "Brother hit me with your prized China and he broke it," she held a piece of it in her hand. I heard her mom scream through the phone, "Are you okay? I'm gonna beat that boy!" She laughs a bit. "Yeah I'm fine. I was saved," I saw the pink creep back on her cheeks. "By whom?" Her voice sounded calmer. "My new girlfriend," she quickly pecked me on the cheek while still on the phone and hung up. "Thanks Steven," her voice was still as quiet as it had been. "No problem (Y/N)! Well I'm gonna go so see you later!" He dragged the other Pearl along beside him. I turn to her and mover my bangs, showing my eyes. "I'm your Pearl now,"

I thought that was so cute!

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