Rose Quartz x reader

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(Your Pov)

You were running down the hill trying to escape from them. They were chasing after you to bring you more pain. It hurt and you were hurt. "Help." You quietly cried.
You tripped on something and fell down the hill quickly. You screams filled the air and you, bracing yourself for impact. You waited.
And waited
And waited
And waited
But the impact never came.
You peeked open one eye but you could be see very much. "Wha-" you realized that someone had caught you but you hadn't felt anything what so ever. You looked to find a very beautiful woman with large pink curls and a kind expression. "T-thank you." You managed to get down. You stared into her eyes for a few seconds but the moment was ruined when you heard a shout. "They!" You turn to hear and see them. They had finally found you. "Crap!" You shouted and ran. "Thank you!"
You heard some giggling from the woman but you didn't have time to look back.
You finally got to a safe place and shoved your hands into your pockets. (Pants, jacket?) you felt a piece of paper that wasn't there before. The paper simply read: meet me at the beach tomorrow at 12.
You nodded and went on your way.

(Well that was bad but I tried.
Thank you for suggesting this I had so much fun.)

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