Rutile twins x small! reader

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Btw, kinda be like a face reveal, just imagine a small, Veronica Sawyer with glasses. And more sunshine in my attitude.
It was obvious that Lars was now a Zombie. Well, more or a pink, like lion. I held on tight to whoever I could, whoever being Rhodonite. "So, what's a zombie?" One of the twins ask and I chose to explain. "A zombie, is a human, who has died, and then come back to life. Most people see them as human eating monsters. But apparently not Lars!" I say and they seem to be slightly frightened. "Do they attack gems?" I give them a slightly saddened face. "Do you have flesh?"
"Um, no,"
"Then your fine. They only want flesh,"
Lars surprised me after my last comment. I scream and I hit him in the chest with my reflexes. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry Lars! You scared me a-and-" he starts to laugh and then continues until he laughs so hard he's crying. "I've never.... seen you so scared before!" He says through his laughter and I'm just about to put a hole through his pink face. "Why don't you be sensible for once!" I cry back and I turn away with slight tears in my eyes. I look away from everyone else, then I run and go into a small hole, just hardly big enough for me to fit in it.
The tears start to flow down my face, but I try not to cry out loud. Soon, I am greeted by the conjoined twins.
"Can we sit in there with you?" The right one asks and I nod. "Yeah," They both squeeze in with me. "We hung him up by his pants," "that's what he gets for being mean to you," they say and I sniff, giggling. I receive a kiss on the cheek and I boop on the nose. "There's no reason to be sad," "Nor any reason to cry. He'll learn his lesson soon enough,"

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