Steven x reader

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This ones for real this time. And your 14. I put a video for you guys too. I mean I didn't make it though.

"Oh hey Steven..." you said slightly saddened. You had been bullied ever since the start of 8th grade. (R/N) (rivals name) had been beating you repetitively and made you do there homework.
You had a large scar straight down your cheek but never noticed the pain. "Hey (Y/N)! Are... you okay?" He sits down next to you. "Yeah! What... what makes you think I'm not?" You pull a small smile. "You don't seem as... (Y/N) as you normally are." You giggled slightly even though it was fake. "Steven!That's silly!" You could tell that he had noticed the scar on your face. "Hey is there something on my face?" You faked. He traced his finger over it making you wince in pain. "Where'd you get that?" He asks his voice suddenly filled with worry. "Oh this?" You lightly set your hand on your cheek. "I don't remember when I got that." Steven looked unconvinced. "Come on (Y/N)! You can tell me!"
"Steven... I...I wish you could understand but... you can't." You covered your face with your knees. "(Y/N). I'll help you please. Just tell me." He seemed exceedingly more sad than you were, and it was like he was you more than you were yourself. Soon he had gotten you to explain everything through tears and a few tissue boxes.
Where is (R/N) now? He asked you almost in a harsh manner. "Steven that's not a good idea..." you knew what he was thinking. "(Y/N) I'm not gonna stand around while you get hurt!" "Steven I can-" "No! Let. Me. Help!" She shouted. Tears ran down his face and the sun reflected on them perfectly.
"O-okay..." you slightly blushed at the perfect light view you had. Steven looked kind but pained it was like an indescribable painting.
After a while of riding on lion in town you had found (R/N)'s house. You had brought the homework with you just in case. Steven knocked on the door. (R/N)'s mother opened the door. She looked like a broken, scared doll. "We would like to talk to (R/N)..." you asked politely. "Oh my... is she bullying you? I'm so sorry. She gets it from her father. He-... never mind. I'll go get her." She walked away from the door and a few seconds later (R/N) appears in front of the door. "Hey (Y/N)..." she hadn't seemed as cheery as she had before. "Are you okay (R/N)?" "Yeah I'm okay." "Um here... I have your homework." You held it out to her. This is almost to easy. She's planning something isn't she. Or maybe not. I'll go with she's not. "O-oh... thanks..." she took it.
You had asked for a hug but didn't remember what happened after. She had hit you hard and smashed you on the ground while laughing. Steven had been pushed over the edge with anger and bubbled the homework. "You don't mess with my (Y/N)! Do you understand me?" He told her with anger and summoned his shield. "Ugh..." everything hurt in your body. You hadn't known that (R/N)'s mother had seen and called an ambulance for you. You remembered how your parents had the nerve to say 'suck it up and deal with it' at home when you had told them. Steven and (R/N)'s mother cared and having someone care had made you feel happy. Lion had come over and licked your hand and nudged you. You reached your other arm to pet him but it hurt so that your arm went limp for a second and slammed on lions nose. "Sorry!" You managed to say to lion.
The ambulance had soon gotten there and (R/N)'s mother showed her how bad mothers can really get when they are angry.
Then I lost all thought and passed out.
"Ugh..." I groan in pain as I wake up in a hospital bed. "(Y/N)!" Steven shouts. "Hey... not as sad as before huh." I joke around. "Come on (Y/N)." Steven pecks me on the cheek. "(R/N)'s mom got you some flowers."

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