Garnet x gem reader

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(Your Pov) (I tried so hard on this one please give me slack if it's bad)

Your gem started to reform. Soon after all the 'light show' finished you checked your gem on instinct.
'Dang it!' Your head echoed. The worst part was you didn't even know where you were. Your (gem type) was almost completely split in half.  "Oh my..." you say out loud knowing you were alone in this foreign area.
You decided to sit down and let your gem break. You were looking obviously disoriented. Soon a little human child and a very tall gem come into the room, more like climb down. Your fear got the best of you and you curled up thinking that if you can't see them, they can't see you.  Your thoughts were obviously wrong and the child tapped your shoulder. You didn't want to respond. You didn't remember much of what happened before reforming again. "Hi. Um I'm Steven." He tries with you.
You stay curled up throughout it all. "Is your gem cracked?" He asks. You let out a small nod but afterwards you moved no more. You hadn't shattered or anything you just stopped moving.
"Steven go back up and give us a minute." The gem finally spoke up. She had a very nice voice but you restrained yourself from moving again. Mainly out of fear but also because you actually didn't want to move. Plus you didn't want to show any more weakness than you were already showing. "Leave me alone." You said through your curled up self. "I want to help you."
Your face turned stern. "Well maybe I don't want help." "But you need it." You realized she was right. "Fine. But afterwards leave me alone."

"I can't make any promises." She laughed slightly.

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