Rose x reader part 2

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Pearl would pick on you for hanging out with Rose, telling you that she'll get over you eventually. Luckily you had been good enough to teach Rose sign language and she could finally understand you without you having to write. You loved Rose and that was final. You weren't sure if she liked you back the same way but it didn't matter as long as you two hung out together. 'Rose, Pearl is being a Salty Yandere!' You sign. She signs back now wanting to offend Pearl. 'What's a Yandere?' 'The real definition is a love struck person who stabs other people in the pancreas but I'd prefer to say that she's a jealous love-struck person,' Rose looked surprised that you knew what a pancreas was more less the definition of a Yandere down to the letter. 'Sorry. She just bully's me sometimes...' you stopped signing. "I'm sorry," Rose comforted you. "Here! I have an idea! Follow me to the Pad!" She lifts you up, bridal style and floats to the top. (No there wasn't stairs yet)  You had always gotten extremely excited when you were off the ground. She drags you to the pad and you both fly up. Your eyes lit up like hers when she was happy. You both landed in a strawberry field. 'Rose this is amazing!' You spun around taking everything in.
When you spun around you had seen a creature and went to go look at it. It didn't exactly seem wild or rabid. It was like a dog. You pet it and smiled. Rose found you and looked surprised. She gasped but more in sadness than in surprise. 'Are you okay?' You asked. She nodded and came towards you. "(Y/N) please I don't want you to see this..." you shook your head. 'It's nice! Rose don't please!'you hugged her to try and get her to show some Mercy towards the creature. "I'm sorry..." she repeated over and over again until you both slumped on the floor. 'It's okay, but let it be for now. Please?' You begged with your puppy face. She laughed. "Of course. I promise,"
Both of you walked back to the pad. "Oh I forgot!"  Rose exclaimed. 'What?' Rose came close to you and kissed your nose. "I'll have a very special surprise for you tomorrow!" She smiled and then you both went back to the temple to be greeted by a salty, angry Pearl. You left and wondered what it was she had for you tomorrow. Yet through all the wondering, you slept soundly.

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