I'm so sorry.

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Lee's POV

With one last push, the baby was finally out. He was a handsome little thing... definitely gets his look from me.

The nurses picked Mason up and grabbed some scissors.
"Would you like to cut the cord?" She asked, handing me the scissors.
"I'd love to." I grinned, bringing the scissors to the umbilical cord and cutting it off. Once it was off, Mason started to cry and my initial thought was that I cut it too low, turns out baby's just cry sometimes.

As one of the nurses walked off with Mason to clean him up, I looked at Brooke who was smiling widely.
"You did it." I said softly, walking over and caressing her cheek.
"I did i-" She started quietly before tilting her head to the side with her eyes closed.
"Brooke." I said, shaking her slightly. What's happening? I stood up, looking around the room frantically.
"Help!" I shouted out the door, two different nurses came running in.
"Are you ok sir?" One nurse asked.
"Sh-she was fine a minute ago and then just went unconscious." I rushed out, attempting to control my breathing.

They instantly rushed to her side, checking her neck for a pulse and giving each other a strange look. No.
"We need to get her to another room quickly." They said, wheeling her out of the room on the bed with me following behind.
"Wh-where are you taking her?" I asked, my voice cracking as tears threatened to fall.
"Sir, you have to stay here. We'll be back soon." The female nurse said, turning around to me quickly before running off to catch up with the other nurse.

My heart race picked up and my legs went weak. What's wrong with her? Everything now felt like it was in slow motion, people walking past me, carrying on with their days whilst I broke down into tears, praying that my fiancé and mother of my new born child was ok.

I slowly made my way to a seat and sat down, staring ahead of me blankly, letting the tears fall. One of the nurses who helped Brooke give birth, walked past me with our baby in her arms, walking into the room but soon looked confused. I took a sharp breath in and stood up, rushing to her.
"Is that our son?" I asked. She jumped at my sudden appearance but soon calmed down once she realised it was me.
"It is indeed. Where's Brooke gone?" She asked, handing me little Mason. My heart sank again and more tears rolled down my cheeks.
"She suddenly went unconscious and unresponsive. They felt for a pulse then wheeled her off. It didn't seem to be a good sign." I sniffed, finally looking down at our little creation. He really was a cute little thing. He had his eyes closed and a little bit of hair that was a mixture of my brown and Brooke's blonde. He was beautiful.
"I'm so sorry." She breathed out, bringing a hand up to her mouth as her eyes watered.
"All I can do right now is pray that she'll be fine." I croaked and she instantly pulled me into a warm hug with Mason in between us.
"I'm praying for you all." She whispered before pulling out of the hug.
"I have to get to another patient now. Will you be ok waiting?" She asked and I nodded, watching as she wiped away the few tears on her cheeks.
"I think so." I breathed out. She gave me a sympathetic smile before leaving the room.

Mason began to cry in my arms and I rocked him back and forth, hoping he'd quiet down soon.
"Shhh." I said softly, bouncing him in my arms. Soon enough, his cries were now silent and he opened his eyes for the first time and looked at me. I can't get enough of his eyes, I can tell he's going to be a little heartbreaker when he grows up.
"You've got your mums eyes." I smiled down at him. He didn't do anything except continue to stare.

Holding him in my arms right now didn't feel right without Brooke. Whatever they're doing to her, I hope it hurries. I can't live without Brooke; those five years without her were bad enough. I can't live a lifetime without her, especially when I have to look after a dog and raise our son. I'll be a big mess.

Come on B, you can pull through this.

Choosing You - Lee Hinchcliffe (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now