We were talking about having kids.

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Brooke's POV

Waking up and smelling wasn't the nicest thing. I stretched slightly with a loud yawn and Lee groaned from beside me.
"Sorry." I giggled, grabbing his top off the floor and throwing it over my naked body.
"Where are you going?" He asked with a frowned.
"I need to shower." I laughed.
"Can I join?" He questioned with a smirk, sitting up in bed.
"If you must." I giggled, walking off to the bathroom with Lee following behind me.

Once we were both in, he shut the door whilst I turned on the shower. Just as I was about to pull my top off, he stopped me and did it for me before backing me up into the walking in shower, the water dripping down our bodies.
"No funny business. I just wanted to shower." I laughed, running my hair under the shower head.
"May I?" I asked, grabbing the shampoo and squirting some on his hand.
"Sure." I grinned, turning with my back to him and he began to massage the shampoo into my hair.
"I can't believe brown hair dye is still coming out of your hair." He chuckled lightly as I washed out the shampoo, watching him cover his head in it too.

Once I was done, I moved out of the way, letting him wash out his hair whilst I ran the conditioner through my hair. Lee copied my actions before wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me into him.
"How long do you leave the conditioner on for?" He asked.
"About two minutes." I replied.
"So enough time to do this..." he started before placing his lips on mine. I smiled into the kiss and back him up against the cold wall.
"It's supposed to be the other way around." He mumbled.
"Not today." I whispered, kissing him again before pulling away.
"Hey, you can't just do that." He pouted.
"Two minutes is up Hinchcliffe." I giggled, washing out my conditioner before washing my body. I got out, wrapping a towel around me and leaving Lee there, recovering for our tiny make out session.

"I'm going to see Steph. I don't know whether you want to come or not." I said to Lee after putting my earrings in.
"I'll probably stay here but make sure you're back before five because I'm still taking you to Nando's." He grinned, wrapping his arms around me from behind.
"I won't be too long." I smiled, turning around and kissing him before grabbing my bag.

"Right, I love you." I said, walking out to the living room and throwing on a jacket.
"I love you too." He said, leaning up against the wall with Rufus beside him.
I gave him one last kiss before walking out of the apartment and out to my car, starting my journey to Steph's.

"I can't believe you're moving to Milton Keynes." Steph said, handing me a mug that she had made a tea in.
"Neither can I really. Lee wanted to go somewhere new. We're moving next month so everything is going to be crazy." I said as she sat down on the chair opposite me on the table.
"I bet it is." She sighed slightly.
"I'm just most excited about decorating the house." I giggled.
"That's literally the best thing about moving. You can make it how you like it. Are you moving in with Lee then?" She asked.
"Well we spoke about it the other week and we decided that there's no point in me buying an apartment if we're just going to spend everyday together anyway." I explained.
"Yeah, that makes sense." She said.

After sitting there drinking our drinks, I spoke up.
"So where's Jake?" I asked.
"Out with some mates." She answered.
"You said that so bluntly." I laughed.
"Yeah well he was a douche last night." She giggled slightly.
"What happened?" I asked with a playful sigh.
"We were talking about having kids." She said and my eyes widened.
"Oh my god. You guys would be such cute parents." I squealed.
"Yeah well it's not happening anytime soon." She huffed.
"Why not?" I asked, frowning.
"Because Jake doesn't want one until we're late 20's." she replied.
"Just get pregnant and don't tell him." I laughed.
"As if I could hide a bump about this big." She chuckled, creating the size of a baby bump with her arms.
"Just wear oversized jumpers." I shrugged.
"Funny." She replied sarcastically.
"But in all seriousness, you really want a baby?" I asked and she nodded.
"We're ready, I know we are. Jake is just afraid to admit it." she sighed.
"The time will come, I promise you." I smiled, placing a reassuring hand on her thigh.

I think it's adorable she wants to have children with Jake. Like, how cute? Oh my god, I need to have a child then our babies could be besties. Ha, yeah no, that's not actually going to happen anytime soon...

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