I dont believe you've met.

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Eh, why not have another little update? 😏

Brooke's POV

Yet again, I was rushing. It turns out that I completely missed the wedding ceremony where they exchange vows and stuff which I hate myself for and I'm now queueing up to get into the after party. I wouldn't be surprised if Steph decides to de-friend me right now.

"And we meet again." A male voice said from behind me and I turned around to see the same dude that had kidnapped me last night.
"Well isn't this just perfect." I groaned, moving up in the queue with the well known porn star beside me.
"Who knew we'd be going to the same wedding." He said and I rolled my eyes.
"You're probably stalking me." I scoffed and he chuckled.
"If that's what you think then yeah, sure, I'm stalking you." He said. I really can't be bothered with his cockiness right now. He made me late for this poxy wedding in the first place. How am I going to explain this to Steph and Jake? Mainly, what am I going to say to Drew? Drew was already here, he went to the ceremony and he's now inside the little place we're all queueing up outside of. I'm an awful friend, cousin and wife to be. Ugh.

My kidnapper and I moved towards the man who was taking names and he looked at us both as if to say 'go on'.
"Hinchcliffe." We said in unison and my heart stopped at that surname. I turned my head to see him already staring at me with wide eyes.
"Lee?" I asked.
"Brooke?" He questioned and my breath hitched. I have to get away from him. How did I not know that was him? How did he not know that it was me?
I shoved passed the man and straight into the party where I heard Lee shouting my name.

"Brooke." He yelled after me and I turned around facing him.
"Lee, you knew who I was yet you still took me back to your place saying all this stuff that sort of made me think that your not that bad of a person when actually you probably slept with me." I spat, not wanting to cause a scene.
"What?! Where on earth is all of this coming from?" He asked and I rolled my eyes, folding my arms over my chest.
"Just save it Lee. We can't talk about this here. I have a fiancé who I'm madly in love with ok. You and I, we were over five years ago. It was a stupid teenage love story. Get over it." I said through gritted teeth before storming away. I have to find Drew and somehow explain to him why I was late and the same goes for Steph and Jake.

Lee's POV

Holy shit balls. That's why I recognised her. It was Brooke all along. How was I so blind?
I can't believe she thinks I slept with her. Who does she think I am? If you say porn star then I'm going to lose it...
I ran my hand through my gelled up hair and groaned loudly, kicking the edge of the table where all the food was set up. Ooo... food. I quickly picked at the food before going to congratulate Steph and Jake but my eyes widened when I saw Brooke and some guy standing with them. That must be Drew. He's a hell of a lot more attractive than I.
Steph saw me and gave me a quick wave, telling me to join them. I shook my head and turned around before I felt an arm tugging on mine. I turned around a saw that Jake was pulling me towards them. Thanks mate.

"I don't believe you've met." Steph said, gesturing towards Drew.
"Oh yeah, hi, I'm Brooke." Brooke said quickly, grabbing my hand and shaking it. What is she doing?
"I kn-" I started but she squeezed my hand and gave me a look as if to say 'go along with it'. I sighed but put on a smile.
"Lee." I said shaking her hand again before turning towards Drew.
"Drew." He said, nodding his head slightly and completely ignoring my hand that was held out for him to shake. Jeez, sorry man.
"Oh look, food. Drew, can you get me some please?" Brooke asked, shoving Drew towards the food before turning back to me.
"Outside, now." She whispered and i turned to look at Jake and Steph who were almost as confused as I. Probably more.
"Congrats by the way." I said to them both before following Brooke outside.

"What was that back there?" I asked.
"Drew can't know about us." She whispered.
"What? Why?" I asked, laughing. Is he that possessive kind of boyfriend or something?
"Because he can't. We don't know each other. We don't have history. Do you understand me?" She asked and I frowned. Who knew that in five years the girl I was madly in love with could turn into a right bitch?
"Can I ask you a question?" I asked.
"You just did." She said, folding her arms over her chest.
"Why do you think I took advantage of you last night?" I questioned.
"Because that's what all boys do nowadays, isn't it?" She asked and I frowned.
"Not all boys." I sighed, looking down at my feet.
"Ok well, I'm going to go back and collect my food from Drew." She said and began to walk away but I grabbed up arm, stopping her from walking.
"I need you to know that last night, I didn't touch you in any sexual way possible, it didn't even cross my mind. I took you back to my place just in case some twisted guy picked you up from the streets and harmed you in anyway. I had no clue it was you. I promise." I explained and her look softened.
"So you just thought I was someone else?" She asked and I nodded.
"It'll all come back to you one day." I smiled before walking off and leaving her there to process my words.

There's something about her now that is a hell of a lot more attractive than when we were 17. Maybe it's the sudden feistyness...

Choosing You - Lee Hinchcliffe (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now