Is everything ok?

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Brooke's POV

House hunting is more tiring than I thought. I legit crashed on the sofa whilst Lee continued to search. I think the location he has finally settled on is in Milton Keynes. It's different to what he's used to which is cool.

I woke up this morning to the hoover. Turns out, dogs moult more than we actually expected. Rufus's hair is everywhere, including all over ourselves.

Lee and I have decided to go shopping at a pets store to buy Rufus a few bits and because it's a pet store, he may come with us.
I was currently drying my hair from the shower I just had when Lee walked in.
"Do you think we should write down a list?" He asked once I turned off my hair dryer to hear what he wanted.
"Possibly. We need quite a lot of stuff." I said and he nodded before walking out of the bedroom. I quickly finished drying my hair before straightening it and leaving it down.

Makeup was a no no today as I just really couldn't be bothered. Plus, having a fresh face always makes me feel better for some reason.
I threw on my leather jacket over my white vest top and I made my way into the front room where Lee sat, writing a list.

"I can't think of anything. This is my first time of having a dog and I just don't know what to get." He said as I sat beside him. I smiled sympathetically and took the pen away from him before writing down a long list.

• dog food
• water and food bowl
• a dog bed
• lead
• collar
• pads that he can pee on
• treats
• toy crate
• toys
• grooming stuff

"We also need to take him to the vets at some point so he can have his microchip. There's no point in doing that before you move though." I said, placing the pen down on the table and turning to face lee.
"Have you had a dog before?" He asked.
"Back in America when I was like five we had a family dog." I smiled.
"What was it?" He asked.
"A big German shepherd. She was lovely." I grinned.
"What was she called?" He questioned.
"Lulu." I answered.
"That's a sweet name." He smiled, tucking a loose strand of my hair behind my ear.
"Thank you for helping out with everything." He said softly.
"It's the least I can do. You're letting me stay with you until I get a place." I laughed.
"I know." He smiled before leaning in and pressing our lips together.

This is beginning to confuse me. Like, we've already said we love each and we kiss but we're not actually official. Lee noticed my sudden strange behaviour and he pulled away from the kiss, frowning.
"Is everything ok?" He asked and I nodded, standing up.
"Come on, let's just get to the pet shop." I said, holding my hand out for him to take, which he did.

"Rufus baby, stop pulling." I said softly as we walked into the pet shop with Rufus on the lead the people apparently gave us the night we got him.
"Here, let me take him." Lee said, taking the lead from my hands and keeping Rufus by his side.

I grabbed a trolley and followed Lee to the dog section.
"Where first?" He asked, looking down at the list.
"Let's start from the top and work our way down." I said, pointing at the first thing we needed. Food.

"I remember lulu used to be pretty fussy when it came to food. I'm just hoping Rufus will eat whatever." I said as we approached the dog food aisle. I've never actually realised how much different dog food there is in this world until I came across this aisle. There's so much of it.
"There's loads of different options. Maybe we should get some help. They'll know more about this than us." Lee said and I nodded before looking around.
"I'll go get that man, he works here." I said to lee before leaving him with the trolley and walking over to some man that worked here.

"Excuse me." I said making him turn his head from the shelf he was currently stacking.
"We've recently bought a golden retriever puppy and we weren't sure what to feed him. Do you know what the best food is?" I asked politely. I've noticed that whenever I'm talking to a stranger, my voice would go higher. Weird.
"Oh sure. Yes." He smiled before walking to the food aisle where Lee continued to stand with Rufus and the trolley.
"Is this your puppy?" He asked and I nodded slowly. He's not mine but oh well.
"Ok. The best food for him would have to be this one. Do you have a price limit though?" He asked, looking between Lee and I. Lee quickly shook his head before the guy nodded and pulled out a massive bag of dog food.
"This is actually a five star dog food for golden retrievers however, it's quite pricey." He said, placing the dog food in our trolley.
"That's great. Thank you." Lee smiled.
"Also, how much do we have to feed him?" I asked.
"All the food amounts are on the back." He smiled sweetly.
"Ok, thank you for your help." I grinned.
"Anytime. Enjoy the rest of your day." He said before leaving us.
"Dog food is more expensive than I thought." Lee laughed before he ticked off dog food.

Next up on the list, a food and water bowl.

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