I want a dog.

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Brooke's POV

"Open your eyes." Lee said, releasing his grip from my hand. I'm kind of scared to open my eyes. What if I don't like where we are? How awkward.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around in awe.
"You did this?" I asked, my eyes wide as I looked around the decorated cabin that was once dingy and dark. It had little battery powered fairy lights around the perimeter and two little bean bags opposite each other with a picnic blanket in between them. It was so cute.
"Well yeah. Do you like it?" He asked and I smiled widely, turning to face him.
"Like it? I love it." I grinned.
"It's better than your apartment." I smirked, obviously joking.
"Aren't you funny." He laughed, poking his tongue out at me.
"Tell me something I don't know Hinchy." I giggled before sitting myself down on one of the bean bags.
"Also, before you complain about being cold, I brought extra jackets and a little portable heater." Lee said, turning on a heater thing that instantly warmed me up.
"Aren't you prepared." I grinned before he sat down opposite me.
"Always." He chuckled.
"How'd you know I was free tonight and when did you do this?" I asked.
"When are you not free B?" He chuckled, completely ignoring my second question and I shrugged.

After having a good old chin wag on the bean bags, Lee got up and walked over to a little wooden table where he brought over a basket. I'm guessing it's full of food.

My guess was correct. I watched as he pulled out food after food and two bottles of champagne. Fancy.
"I never took you for the wine type." I smirked, leaning over and grabbing a packet of crisps.
"I'm a changed man B." He laughed and I rolled my eyes before eating the food along with Lee.

Soon enough, the majority of the food was gone. Lee is good with this picnic business.

"Shit." Lee cussed after routing around the picnic basket.
"What?" I asked.
"I forgot glasses." He groaned, holding up the bottles of wine.
"Who needs bottles?" I asked, smirking, reaching over and grabbing one out of his hand. Now, opening champagne always scares the crap out of me.
I stood up, holding it a couple of inches away from me and I squeezed my eyes shut as I attempted to unscrew the cork. I jumped as it popped and the fizz flowed out the top.
"Look at you go Brooke." Lee laughed and I smiled, bowing.
"Now you can do mine." He smirked, holding up his bottle to me.

I rolled my eyes playfully before also popping his open. I sat back down on the bean bag and looked a Lee.
"Cheers." I said, holding out my bottle.
"Cheers." He replied, copying my actions. We clanged our bottles together before both taking back two big swigs.

I'm pretty much the easiest person to get drunk so I know by the end of tonight, I'm going to be gone.

"Wee." I squealed as lee held me up in the aeroplane position. He then placed me back down on the floor and I pouted.
"You're not very strong." I giggled, lacing my fingers back with Lee's and resting my hips on his feet.
"I so am. Look, watch this." He replied, lifting me off of the ground and back into aeroplane. Surprisingly, he held me there for a little while before he leant me down towards his lips and puckered up. I laughed and connected our lips before he raised me back up again.

After a couple more goes of playing aeroplane, I laid beside Lee and we just laughed for no reason what so ever. By now, we were both pretty much gone.
"Lee." I said.
"Mhm." He hummed in response.
"I want a dog." I slurred.
"You do? Me too." Lee said, sitting up and looking down at me with a wide grin.
"Can we go and buy one?" I asked.
"I was about to ask you the same thing. Come on." Lee said, taking my hand in his and pulling me up off the ground.

If we really come home with a dog tonight, I'll be the happiest girl around.

"Shhh." Lee laughed, placing his index finger over my lips to stop me from laughing. I don't understand why I had to be quiet. It's not even that late. Only like half seven.

We were currently looking around the kennels at all the dogs and my eyes landed on a sausage dog. I told Lee that if we were to get one, I'd call it frank so that it's basically a frankfurter. That's funny right? How am I meant to stop laughing at that? Especially when I'm this pissed.

"Sausage dogs are way too small. I want a big dog." Lee chuckled, continuing to walk. I frowned and stomped my foot down on the ground like a little girl having a tantrum. I really wanted the sausage dog. I finally gave in and followed him to the bigger dog section. What big dog is he even on planning on getting?

As I got closer, I saw him talking to a girl. Who is that?
"Yeah, I was looking for a big breed." Lee said, slurring on his words slightly. I wonder if this girl knows we're drunk?
"Theres plenty of big breeds." She laughed slightly, tucking a strand of her dark hair behind her ear and looking around at all the other dogs.
"I know that. I just want a big fat fluffy thing that I can cuddle and roll around on the floor with." Lee said and I couldn't help but laugh at his clear yet unclear answer. We've had too much alcohol.
"Ok." The girl started.
"We have the golden retriever. They're beautiful." She suggested.
"Can I cuddle with it or will it eat my face off?" Lee asked.
"They tend to be pretty loyal. You can come and look at the ones that are ready to go if you'd like?" She asked lee looked at me to which I replied to with an eager nod.

I'm not one to turn down an offer to see and the cute little puppies now, am I?

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