Holy shit.

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Brooke's POV

"Remind me why I'm with you." Lee said, hurrying along beside me as I walked fast to the pub.
"I need to know what he's doing." I sighed.

Before following Drew, I stopped by at Lee's and I explained everything to him. I needed him and his amazing spying skills. Saying that, I don't actually think he's a very good spy. He's not very observant like I.

As we walked in the pub, I saw Drew sat down at the bar, by himself, drinking a beer.
"There he is." I said, grabbing Lee by the hand and sitting at the table before picking up two drinks menus and sticking them up so no one could see us.
"Put your hood up, he may recognise you from the hair." Lee whispered and I did as I was told.

Us being spotted tonight was very unlikely. There was so many people here tonight, it actually made my claustrophobia kick in. I just took in a deep breath and released it. Lee noticed my actions and he grabbed my hands from across the table.
"Are you ok?" He asked and I nodded.
"Yeah, I guess I'm just a bit scared." I admitted. I really didn't want to see my fiancé chatting up some other girl. That's the worst thing for me. It's people like that, that I hate.

As time went by, a girl sat beside Drew and pulled him in for a hug. They exchanged a few words before she also ordered a drink.
"That little bastard." I spat. One, he's here with a girl, two, he lied to me and three, why the heck is he even here with her?
"Holy shit." Lee said as his eyes widened.
"What? What is it?" I asked.
"It's Rose."

"Brooke, slow down." Lee said, hurrying after me as I stormed out of the pub.
"I cannot sit in there any longer and watch my, whatever he is to me, kiss and flirt with some other girl. Especially Rose. "How are you even ok with this?" I yelled, earning a few looks from some strangers.
"Well Rose and I aren't actually together. It's complicated. I'm sorry about what's happening, I really am." He said and I sighed, running a hand through my hair.
"There's nothing to be sorry about Lee. I have no clue as to what's going on anymore. I just need to lay down." I said, fighting back the urge to cry as I began to walk away again.

This time, Lee didn't run after me. He let me walk away, which I was glad about. I really didn't want to cry in front of him.

As I neared the apartment, the tears began to well up in my eyes. How long has that even been going on for?
The second I had let myself in, I kicked my shoes off and stormed into the bedroom, slamming the door. Note to self, tomorrow when you're feeling better, apologise to the furniture for taking your anger out on it.

I sat down on the edge of the bed, burying my head in my hands and letting out a muffled scream as the tears flowed. It's a lot to take in. Did he come back here to see me or that girl? I'm really hoping he goes back with her or something tonight. I can't even look at him the same way anymore.
As I cried into my hands, my phone went off beside me. I sniffed and turned it around, looking at the message.

Brooke, I shouldn't have let you walk away, I should have gone after you to see if you're ok. Well, of course you're not ok but you get what I mean... I'm here if you need me or if you need a place to stay, my door is always open :) I understand if you don't reply and you want your space. I just felt like I had to message you! Also, whenever he gets home and you walk out, come here. I don't want you wandering the streets of Hereford on you're own :) x

I smiled as I read the message.

Sorry I walked away, I just needed alone time. Thank you :) I'm ok... I guess. I'm just trying to figure and wrap my head around some things. Also, thank you for being a good friend. It means a lot and I might just take up that offer of going to yours, I don't know if I can even face him after all of that. Are you home now? X

Thank god you're home safely :) that's ok, it's what I'm here for! Yes, I'm home. Do you want to come over? X

Please, I don't want to be here when or if he comes home x

That's fine, just give me a text when you're here :) x

Will do :) thank you x

I threw my phone down beside me. Best start packing some overnight bits. I wiped away the dampness of my eyes away with the backs of my hands and I stood up, taking a deep breath in. What is it with me and relationships? Why do they never go right?

I grabbed the nearest bag I could find and I began to pack some clothes and my toothbrush and bits like that before setting off to Lee's. I really appreciate him in a time like this. He was with me and he saw it all happen so he understands.

Well, looks like I'm facing Drew another day.

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