The Milky Way.

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Brooke's POV

"Brooke calm down." Lee laughed as I sliced open the pineapple we bought from the shop just after getting our new dog, Rufus. It's a lovely name, right?
"Spongebob has to be in here somewhere." I frowned, cutting some more of the pineapple out but there was still no sign of spongebob.

I sighed and threw the pineapple down to the floor and folded my arms over my chest.
"Why are you so adorable?" Lee asked with a laugh.
"Who? Me or Rufus?" I asked, looking over at our dog who was curled up on one of the beanbags, sleeping. He really was adorable.
"You, you dofus." Lee laughed, wrapping his arms around my waist.
"Ha, Rufus and Dofus rhyme." I giggled.
"You're easily amused." He chuckled, leaning down and placing a kiss on my lips.

The kiss lasted for at least a minute before he pulled away leaving me wanting more. His kisses were like a drug, I swear.

"Where are you going?" I asked, watching as he walked over to the fairy lights and switched them off.
"Rufus is sleeping." He said, shushing me before walking back over to me and taking my hands. What is he doing?

He opened the little cabin door and we walked out into the open, closing the door behind us so Rufus didn't run out.
"The reason I wanted to take you here tonight was because I heard we can see the Milky Way." Lee said and my eyes widened.
"As in the chocolate? I love that stuff." I said laughing to myself. I'm pretty funny, I have to admit.
"No you numpty. The Milky Way, you know, to do with the stars." Lee explained.
"Ohhhh... I knew that." I giggled as I continued to have a tight grip on his hand before we began to climb onto the roof.

This cabin will forever hold the most memories of ours.

"How do we even see the Milky Way?" I asked as I couldn't remember my childhood research. Yes, I used to search about this stuff because I just loved stars.
"Wow Brooke." Lee chuckled.
"Technically every star we see in the night sky is part of the Milky Way so really, we're looking for the Milky Way galactic centre." Lee explained and I was impressed with his answer.
"Where's that?" I asked, looking up at the sky, seeing if I can find it anywhere.
"Apparently, its not that visible to the naked eye but if you're in a dark enough place, you should kind of see it." Lee said, shifting his eyes around the sky.
"I actually remember reading once that there can be several constellations found along the galactic plane, I can't remember what ones they were though." I said.
"There are normally six that can help you find it the easiest; scorpius, Sagittarius, the Summer Triangle, Cassiopeia, the southern cross and Orion. Please tell me you know what they look like otherwise they'd be very hard for me to explain." Lee chuckled.
"Yes you idiot. I know what they look like." I giggled, poking his side before searching the sky for any of those kind of constellations. You see, you have to be very focused when finding things like these.
"I've found the Sagittarius." Lee said, pointing up to the sky and I followed his finger to where this constellation was. I grinned when I finally found it.

I remember that when lee and I first met, he knew nothing about stars. He's either been doing his research or he can just remember all the stuff I told him five years ago. That's very unlikely if it's Lee so I'm just guessing he's done his research.

"I found the southern cross." I smiled, scanning my eyes over the constellation.

After we pointed out six different constellations in the sky, we had finally focused our eyes onto the Milky Way. It was breathtaking.
"I'm really proud of you." I sighed happily, leaning my head on Lee's shoulder.
"You are? Why?" He asked, laughing slightly.
"Because you've researched all of this." I giggled, lifting my head off of his shoulder and looking at him.
"I did it to make you happy." He grinned and my heart melted. Oh my life... he's adorable.
Just as I was about to open my mouth to say something, his hands cupped my cheeks.

"Brooke, I need to get this off my chest." Lee coughed and I said nothing but nodded.
"I think that if you let me, I'd treat you like the sky. I'd join up all your insecurities and bundle all your flaws. I'd create a new constellation and search for it endlessly. I know you don't see yourself the way I see you, and you still argue every time I call you beautiful but all the things you can't stand about yourself are all the things I can't go a day without. I think that if you let me, I'd build an observatory, just to show you that all the stars will never shine as bright as you." Lee said, finishing his little speech with a sigh of relief. As bad as it sounds, I couldn't help but laugh. I'm just blaming it on the alcohol that still roamed around my system.
"Did you just get that off of google and memorise it?" I asked, still laughing.
"Maybe but that's not the point." He chuckled.
"I'm basically confessing my love to you here and you're laughing about it." He said, laughing slightly.
"I'm sorry. It was just very cringey and you know how much I hate cringey but..." I started, cupping his face in the palms of my hands.
"It was very sweet." I giggled, pecking his lips before my eyes widened.

Lee has literally just admitted to loving me with a stupid poem he found on the internet. I'm dying from his amount of cuteness.

"Lee, if you really have to know, I've been crazy about you ever since I came back here. It was a mistake to love you whilst being with Drew but it was the best mistake I've ever made." I said, leaning forward and connecting our lips again.

My love for this boy is unreal. I've never realised how much you can love one person.

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