We shouldn't do this here.

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Brooke's POV

Lee's lips sucked at my neck as my bare back was pressed up against the coldness of the cave stone. I moaned as he continued to leave trails of wet kisses down my collar bone and I reached for the hem of his shirt.

He broke away from my neck and allowed me to pull it over his head to throw it down the the floor , along with mine, before he attacked my lips once again. Is it just me or did it just suddenly get hot in here?

"You don't understand how much I've missed this." Lee said into the kiss and I smiled.
"Oh I think I do." I giggled before I pushed him down to the floor where the blanket was. Before continuing, I laid out the blanket and ordered for Lee to get on it, which he did and I straddled his lap.

Right now, in this moment, nothing mattered. Everything that has happened in last week was now a blur.

As I kissed down Lee's toned chest, which may I add, looks fantastic, his hands fumbled about with the clasp of my bra. I pulled away and stopped him.
"We... we shouldn't do this here." I said breathlessly.
"Damn, I forgot we were still kind of out in public." He laughed, running a hand up and down my side.

I rested my forehead on Lee's as I attempted to catch my breath for the second time today. Both for different reasons.
"It was fun whilst it lasted." I giggled, pecking his nose.

A loud rumble of thunder made me shudder. The outside world scares me sometimes. Lee noticed me jump and he wrapped his arms around me tightly, pressing our chests together.
"Hopefully it'll clear up soon, then we can get out of here." He said softly, leaving a lingering kiss on my shoulder.
I smiled and nuzzled my head into his neck. I was debating whether to put my shirt back on as it's not very warm but I really didn't want to ruin the moment we were currently sharing.

"Brooke." Lee whispered.
"Lee." I mocked.
"As much as I don't want to ruin this moment right now, I really have to pee." He laughed.
"Are you serious?" I asked, cocking an eyebrow.
"Totally serious." He chuckled. I smiled and pecked his lips before standing up and allowing him to also get up.
"I'll literally be a second." He said before running out of the cave.

I can't believe he's actually going out there with no shirt on to just pee. I smiled to myself and picked up my shirt, pulling it over my head and wrapping the blanket around me. It's not so warm now.

"Do you think it's safe enough out there yet?" I asked Lee as we sat huddled up under the picnic blanket.
"I think so." He whispered, getting up and sticking his hand out to feel the rain.
"It's no so heavy. If we run, we might be able to get out of here and find my poor car." He chuckled and I stood up, leaving the blanket and wrapping my arms around his waist from behind, pecking his back.
"I kind of don't want to leave." I laughed.
"Neither do I." He smiled, turning around to face me whilst his hands cupped my cheeks.
"The house is miles warmer though. Plus, we can sleep in an actual bed." He laughed before leaving a kiss on my lips.

I watched as he began to pack everything up. How we went from arguing to a full on make out session earlier, I don't know but what I do know is that it felt amazing.

I picked up my backpack and swung it over on to my back before picking up my phone.
"Ready to run?" Lee asked, standing by the exit and I nodded, taking his hand in mine before we began to leg it through the small amount of rain. Thank god there was no storm now.

After quite a bit of confusion and getting lost at every turning possible, we had finally made it back to Lee's car.
"M'lady." He bowed, opening the car door for me.
"You're very polite sir." I giggled, pecking his cheek before sliding in and doing up my seatbelt as he shut the door and ran to the drivers side.

Once he got in, he instantly turned the heater on and cleared the windscreen as it had fogged over before the engine started and we drove back to his.

Lee's hand rested on my thigh as he drove but left every so often so he could change gears.

Well tonight was very eventful.

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