I didnt order prostitutes.

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Sorry about all these author notes but I like them too much 💁🏻
Anyways... once this book finishes (which isn't going to be anytime soon) who would read a fanfic about Joe Tasker? I've been wanting to write one for ages but I've been focusing on these two books at the moment.
If I was to make one, would you read it?

If you let me know id be really grateful :) thank youuu!

Brooke's POV

"I feel like a kid again." I frowned as we all piled into Lee's car, Steph and I in the back whilst Jake and lee sat in the front.
"Yeah well you act like a kid." Jake said, smirking and I rolled my eyes before plugging in my seatbelt.
"Is everyone strapped in?" Lee asked, looking at Steph and I in the rear view mirror. I gave a slight nod and before I knew it, we were off.

Where are we going? You may ask. Well the answer is... I have no clue. All I know is that it's a lake somewhere where you can canoe around it. Exciting right?

The drive there was ok. No one really spoke, the radio was the only thing to make a noise. Don't get me wrong, it was nice silence so it's all good.

"Right, out you hop Smith." Lee chuckled, opening his car door and opening mine for me. Believe it or not, he's finally gotten a car with back doors. Amazing right?
"Why thank you Hinchcliffe." I smirked slightly, sliding out of the car.
Jake and Steph's hands instantly linked and I smiled. They may be a lot older now but they're still as adorable as they used to be.

"Are you excited?" Lee asked, nudging my shoulder with his gently.
"A little. I mean, as long as I get to beat your ass then yeah, I'm excited." I smirked, thinking back to the conversation in the car. Apparently, Steph and I are teaming up to go against Jake and Lee in a canoe race. I'm not too sure how it's going to end up. It could be a complete fail and we lose or we could be the champions and don't get the forfeit. If you ask me, I think the forfeit is ridiculous but at the same time, kind of funny. The team that loses have to strip to only their underwear and run to a neighbour or a nearby shop asking for a goldfish first aid kit... interesting.

"You're going down Lake." Stephanie shouted from our canoe over to the boys.
"Lake?" Jake shouted back, obviously confused. I'm not going to lie, I'm also confused as hell. Who is Lake?
"Yeah, Jake and Lee. It's your ship name." Stephanie laughed.
"Steph baby, we're not 17 anymore." Jake smirked and she rolled her eyes, sticking her tongue out at him before lee began to count down.

"Go." We all yelled together and we began to row.

Blimming heck, this is harder than I thought.
"Steph, steer. We're going into the river bank." I said, attempting to steer us away from the river bank.
"What side?" Steph asked.
"Row on the left side." I yelled back as I saw the boys winning the race.
"Shit." She cussed before we both tried our hardest to steer away.

Once we were finally away from the river bank, we rowed as fast as we could to reach Jake and Lee.
"Hey Hinchcliffe." I yelled, standing up in the boat and he turned around with furrowed eyebrows.
"What are you doing?" He shouted back and I smirked in response.
"Keep rowing." I whispered to Steph and he rowing picked up place. Now is my chance.

As our canoe was inches away from the boys one, I stretched out my ore and began to wobble their boat, causing them to try and attempt to row away from us. However, they didn't succeed as the canoe filled with water and tipped on its side, making them fall out into the water.

Steph laughed whilst I cheered and threw my ore into the water so I could raise my arms in victory.
"And that's how you do it bit-" I started but got cut off as I fell into the water. I came back up to the surface, gasping for air, looking at lee and Jake who were laughing at Steph and I.
"And that's how you do it bitches." Lee mocked my voice, earning a playful glare from me.

"We never did decide who's doing the forfeit." Steph said, sitting down on the sofa, handing me a glass of wine in the process.
"That's because there wasn't a winner or a loser." Jake said.
"That's such a lie. It's clear Steph and I won." I said and lee laughed.
"Did you reach the finish line?" He asked and I shook my head.
"No but that's not the point. We shoved you in the water." I argued.
"That wasn't the rules though. So seeing as you girls broke the rules, you must do the forfeit." Jake smirked and I rolled my eyes.
"I'm not stripping." I sighed.
"Oh but I think you are." Lee smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"It's freezing out here." I whispered harshly as Steph and I stood outside of the neighbours front door in only our underwear.
"Then knock and maybe you wouldn't be too cold." Lee whispered back. I huffed and knocked on the door three times.

"This is so stupid." Steph whispered so only I could hear.
"Tell me about it." I laughed slightly, folding my arms over my chest as the door flew open revealing a man who looked in his twenties, just like us. I instantly felt uncomfortable as his eyes scanned over our bodies.

"I didn't order prostitutes." He smirked.
"Funny that because we're not your prostitutes. Do you have a goldfish first aid kit?" I asked, cutting to the part we were here for.
"A goldfish first aid kit? Is that even a thing?" He asked, finally shifting his eyes from my boobs and up to my face.
"Apparently so." Stephanie said from beside me, taking down her hair to cover her cleavage area. She probably feels as uncomfortable as I do right now.
"I might have one, come in." He said with a wide grin spread across his face. Stephanie went to step in but I grabbed her arm, pulling her back.
"It's fine. We don't need one now." I said, looking straight through him. I know what he was trying to do. He was trying to get us into his home and possibly not let us out.
"Are you sure?" He asked, licking his lips in a reeling manner.
"I'm sure." I said through gritted teeth, turning on my heel and pulling Steph along with me.
"Also, nice pair of booties." He chuckled, referring to our bums as we walked away.

Why the heck would Jake and Lee even let us strip and go next door like this? Are they stupid? Apparently so.

Choosing You - Lee Hinchcliffe (COMPLETED)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu