Hold up.

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Brooke's POV

"It's not in here." I groaned, rummaging around in the glove compartment.
"What do you mean it's not in there?" Lee asked, leaning over and also searching.
"I mean, the map is not in there." I said, now getting a little stressed.

I didn't even really want to come on this hike yet I did for lee because I've now admitted to myself that I'm in love with him.

"Lee, it's not in there." I said, raising my voice slightly as he was now frustrating me.
"Jeez, ok. We'll have to go without a map then." He sighed, pulling the keys out of the ignition and getting out the car.
This stupid hike better not be awkward.
I rolled my eyes and also hopped out of the car, taking one of the backpacks.
Lee carried the one with food and drinks whilst I carried one with some essentials we may need on our walk.

"Are you ready?" Lee asked, turning to face me after locking his car.
"Yeah." I replied and he nodded before walking up a path with me following closely behind him.

"So, you like hikes?" Lee asked to break the silence between us both which I was starting to hate.
"I think they were more my thing back in the day but yeah, I still like them." I answered truthfully.
"And you?" I asked.
"Honestly? Hikes aren't my thing, I thought you'd enjoy it." He said and a smile crept upon my face. He didn't go on this hike because he wanted to, he went on it because he thought I'd enjoy it. He's not thinking of himself like most people do.
"Well, I am enjoying it." I giggled, taking in our surroundings.

It was beautiful in Barnsley, especially where abouts we were right now.
Walking up this curvy path was a mission, I'm not going to lie.

"Can we like, slow down?" I asked, after another ten minutes of walking, leaning up against a tree to catch my breath.
"If you could like continue to walk for another couple of minutes, we can sit down and eat." Lee chuckled, also attempting to catch his breath.
"Ok, come on then Hinchy." I huffed, walking ahead of him to find a flat piece of path that we could sit on.

"Seriously?" I asked, looking up at the sky that was now covered in rain clouds.
"We best start heading back, we don't want to get caught in the rain now." Lee laughed as he began to pack up all the food.
"We haven't been here for long." I pouted.
"There's not much more to see. Plus, I'm sure you wouldn't want to be caught in the rain." He said and I shrugged.
"I wouldn't mind." I giggled.
"Come on you. We still have to find the way back. That could take a while." Lee sighed, looking around to try and find his way back.

We were surrounded by trees so trying to trace our footsteps back to the car is very difficult right now.

I stood up and brushed off any dirt I may have had on my bum and I too looked around.
"Lee, where do we go?" I asked.
"I have no clue. Follow me." He said, beginning to walk in an unfamiliar direction. Actually, wherever we go, it's an unfamiliar direction to me. However, this way just didn't feel right.

I held on to Lee's arm as the rain started to fall.
"Are you sure this is the right way?" I asked.
"No." He replied and I mentally cussed.
"Hold up." I said, stopping lee in his tracks so I could pull my phone out of my pocket. I unlocked it and checked my signal but groaned loudly.
"I was going to check the map on here but I have no signal." I said, running a hand through my now wet hair.
Just as lee opened his mouth to say something, the sky rattled with thunder. Isn't this just perfect?

"We have to get away from all of these trees. If it starts to lightning, it's bad." Lee said and I nodded, taking his hand in mine as he pulled me along. Where were we going? Well, yet again, I have no clue.

A couple of seconds later, the sky flashed brightly.
"This is bad. We need to find some sort of shelter." Lee shouted over the rain and I looked around in a panic state.
"Over here." I shouted back, pulling him towards something saw in the distance between the trees.

As we got closer, it became clear that it was some sort of cave.
"Will this do?" I asked, turning to face him.
"It's got to be better than staying out here, come on." Lee said as we ran inside.

"How long are we going to be stuck in here for?" I asked, turning my torch flash on to see. It was pretty dark in here.
"For however long it takes to clear up out there. It's not safe." Lee said softly, taking off his wet jacket and getting out the picnic blanket.
"Come and wrap up warm with me. We could be a little while." He laughed and I shook my head.
"Why?" He asked.
"I'm not cold." I said bluntly, peering my head out of the cave.

It was now raining a lot harder and the thunder and lightning was more frequent meaning that the storm was probably just above us.

"What is wrong with you today?" Lee asked, running a hand through his hair.
"Nothings wrong with me." I said, folding my arms over my chest.
"There clearly is Brooke. You've been so moody." He huffed.
"Me? I've been moody? Have you seen yourself?" I asked, raising my voice slightly.
"What have I done?" He asked, dropping the blanket to the floor and taking a step closer to me.
"You've just been so stressed today." I yelled, throwing my arms out to the side in frustration.
"Maybe that's because I try and do something nice for you but you act like you don't like it." He shouted back.
"I do like it." I spat.
"Then why don't you bloody act like it?" He shouted.
"Just shut up." I said through gritted teeth, folding my arms over my chest again.
"Do you want to kiss me as much as I want to kiss you?" Lee asked and my heart picked up the pace as that one question flooded out of his mouth.
"I thought you'd never ask." I breathed out and before I knew it, my lips were on his.

Choosing You - Lee Hinchcliffe (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now