Its so cozy.

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Brooke's POV

"You'll be fine." Lee laughed as we stood at the boot of his car, getting our suitcases out. I was currently having a small panic attack due to what his parents must think of me.
"What if they don't like me?" I asked.
"Brooke, any friend of mine is a friend of theirs. You'll be fine, I promise." He said, finally turning to me after closing the boot. I sighed before taking my suitcase and slowly following behind him to the front door as he locked the car.

I don't understand why I'm so nervous. I guess it's just meeting new people or the fact that I'm finally meeting my ex boyfriends parents after five long years.

Lee lightly tapped on the front door and we waited for an answer.
Soon enough, the front door swung open to reveal Louise, Lee's mum.
"Mum." Lee grinned, letting his suitcase go and pulling her in for a hug. I'm guessing this boy likes hugs. That's all he ever seems to do, hug people but hey, I'm not complaining.
"Mum, this is Brooke, Brooke this is my mum, Louise." Lee said, pulling away from the hug and introducing us to each other. I put my hand out in front of me for her to shake but she gave me a small laugh before pulling me in for a hug.
"It's lovely to finally meet you." Louise grinned, pulling away from the hug and looking at me closely.
"Lee wasn't wrong, you really are beautiful." Louise said and a smile crept upon my face.
I turned to look at lee who was scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.
"Shall we take these in then?" Lee asked, pointing to the suitcases. I nodded and grabbed mine, following lee up to his bedroom.

As soon as we were in, I looked around the room. It's crazy seeing this in person. It hasn't changed one bit. Just like my childhood bedroom. Actually, thinking about my old bedroom, I should maybe bring up why he lied to me when he said he stayed at toms.
"So, you like it?" Lee asked and I nodded.
"It's so cozy." I grinned, falling down backwards onto his bed with my arms spread out wide. He laughed at my actions before walking over to his speaker where he plugged his phone in.

"Give me a good song." Lee said.
"My music." I smirked and he chuckled.
"I'm totally kidding." I giggled before actually trying to think of a good song.
"Just go on the top 40 playlist or something." I said and he nodded.

The music began to play and he sat down on the bed beside me.
"Where's your dad then?" I asked.
"Mum said he's out working but he'll be home in time for dinner so you'll definitely be able to meet him." Lee laughed and I nodded. For some reason, I'm more nervous to meet his dad than I was to meet his mum. I think it may be because I've actually spoken to his mum but I've never spoken to his dad.

"I like this song." I grinned, noticing that Busted 'Beautiful mess' flooded through the speakers. I stood up and held my hand out for him to take.
"Come and dance with me." I giggled. He rolled his eyes playfully but took my hand in his and stood up, jumping around the bedroom with me.

My hands were intwined with his and I moved his arms around to dance before jumping around when the chorus came on. He threw his head back in laughter before he let go of one of my hands and stepped back, raising our hands in the air for me to spin, which I did. He then pulled me into him with a smile before Louise entered, making us jump apart and lee turned the music down.

"Sorry." Louise apologised.
"It's fine." I laughed slightly, sitting back down on the bed and fiddling with my fingers. Awkward.
"I was just going to ask whether you two wanted to pop to the shops for me. I'm missing something for dinner later." Louise said and Lee looked at me. Why do I have to answer?
"Uh yeah, sure thing." I smiled and she gave us a quick thank you before leaving the room.
"You were supposed to say no." Lee whispered.
"I can't just say no to your mum. Why'd you look at me for an answer anyway?" I asked with a laugh.
"I don't know." He chuckled.

"Why don't we treat ourselves." Lee smirked, holding up two bottles of the blue WKD.
"You better have your ID on you Mr. You look younger than 18." I smirked.
"Yeah well so do you." He chuckled.
"Jokes on the people who think we look younger than we actually are because when they're 50, we're going to be looking like we're in our 30s." I giggled, before picking up some vodka aswell.
"How drunk are you planning on getting tonight?" Lee asked as he watched me put the bottle in the basket on top of the WKD.
"Off my face." I winked before skipping off to find what we were actually here for. Mince and onions. I think Louise said she was making spaghetti bolognese. Yummy.

I turned back to face Lee who was looking at me with a smile.
"Come on you." I shouted at him, waving him over.
"I'm coming, I'm coming." He chuckled, walking over to me.

Once we had gotten what we needed. We went up and paid. Surprisingly, lee wasn't asked for ID. He must look his age. That's good I guess.

"I haven't had a drink in ages. I'm in need of one." I laughed as we exited the shop.

Tonight should be good.

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