Fancy seeing you here.

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Brooke's POV

There goes my chocolate from the advent calendar for the 21st. Only a few more sleeps to go now.

I opened up the fridge, searching for some milk but turns out there wasn't any. Perfect. I looked at Rufus who was wagging his tail by the back door.
"Looks like I'm going to have to take a trip to the shops." I sighed at him.

I quickly let him out before calling him back in and going upstairs to wake Lee up.

I walked in the bedroom and he laid, letting out light snores. Cutie. I sat down on the bed beside him and ran a hand through his hair.
"Lee." I whispered, leaning down and pecking his cheek. No response.
"Babe." I said, shaking his body slightly. Still no response. I then decided to kiss all over his face and soon enough, he woke up with a groan.
"What?" He mumbled, pulling a pillow over his face.
"I'm just going to run to the shops. We're out of milk." I said, taking his hand in mine and fiddling about with his fingers. He took the pillow away from his face and frowned at me.
"How are we out that quickly?" He asked and I shrugged.
"Do you want anything whilst I'm down there?" I asked.
"Unless they sell chicken McNuggets then no." He laughed.
"Well I'll see you in a bit then." I giggled, leaning down and kissing his lips before walking out of the bedroom with a wolf whistle from Lee. He must have been looking at my bum...

I've got my milk so here I am, queueing up to pay for it.

"Fancy seeing you here." A voice said, startling me from behind. Why does the voice sound so familiar? I turned around slightly and saw the same boy from Lee's party. It's been ages since that night, how does he even know this is me?
"What do you want?" I spat, hoping that the line would hurry up and move.
"I don't want anything, you just happen to be in the same shop as me. I thought you lived in Hereford, what are you doing down here?" He asked.
"Hey I found your nose." I started and he frowned.
"It was in my business." I finished. Arsehole.
"Woah, don't get your knickers in a twist. That's if you're wearing any." He said, whispering the last part in my ear. I gritted my teeth together and before I knew it, my hand came in contact with his cheek. Heads turned in our direction and I quickly placed the milk back to where I got it from before walking out of the shop. I couldn't wait there listening to his shit any longer.

I unlocked my car and got in, praying this boy wouldn't follow me home. Thank the lord he was still paying.
I don't think I've ever driven somewhere so quickly. Once I was inside the house, I locked the front door and placed my back against it.
"Are you ok?" Lee asked, standing at the top of the stairs, rubbing his sleepy eyes.
I stepped away from the front door and let out a breath.
"Y-yeah." I stuttered. That random guy scared me. I don't even know why he's here or what he wants.

Lee walked down the stairs and placed his hands on my shoulders.
"Now tell me the truth. Are you ok?" He asked.
"No." I sighed.
"What happened?" He asked, cupping my face with his hands and gently rubbing his thumbs round in circles.
"He's here." I blurted out which caused him to frown.
"Who's here?" He questioned.
"The guy. The one at your party." I said and his facial expression changed from soft to angry.
"What did he do to you?" He asked through gritted teeth.
"N-nothing. I'm fine." I rushed out. I wasn't lying, he didn't touch or harm me in anyway.
"Where is he?" Lee asked, pushing passed me and opening the front door but struggling as I had locked it.
"Don't go after him." I said, taking his hand away from the door handle.
"Why not?" He asked.
"Because you can't get hurt again." I said softly and he looked down at my hand that held his wrist and he intwined our fingers.
"If you ever see him again and he touches you or says anything to you, I will hurt him even if it means getting hurt myself." Lee said, cupping my cheek with his other hand that wasn't holding mine.
"I love you." I whispered, connecting our lips.

I really hope this guy doesn't come back. That would be the last thing I'd need. I can't have Lee getting hurt again. He was in pain last time even though he put on a brave face.

Choosing You - Lee Hinchcliffe (COMPLETED)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant