Some things never change do they B.

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It's half 12 in the morning right now so it's technically good Friday which means I'm going to generous again and update today aswell as tomorrow 😏🙌🏼

Brooke's POV

"This is our car." Drew said, rolling the suitcases behind him and unlocking the car. I'm guessing he's rented this thing for our time here. I helped lift everything into the boot before wandering off to the drivers side.
"Shot gun on driving." I smirked. He rolled his eyes but tossed me the keys. I grinned and hopped in, sticking the keys in ignition, making sure my feet were in the correct places. Once drew and I had fastened our seatbelts, I twisted the keys and revved the engine. Not bad.
"You ready?" I asked and he nodded, gripping on to his seatbelt.
"Hey, I'm not that bad at driving." I giggled, reversing out of the space.

I haven't driven properly in ages, I've only taken short trips to the shop or to my record label as we live pretty close to everything. Driving in America is a lot different than driving in the UK and I'm surprised I remembered everything. Seeing as this car was an automatic and didn't need me to change gears every second, I rolled down my window and rested my right elbow on it and sang along to the radio.

"Where are we going first?" Drew asked from beside me.
"Shit. I need to put the address into the SatNav." I said, flicking down my indicator so I could pull over.
"Don't worry babe. I've got it, you keep on driving. Just tell me where we're going." He said with a soft chuckle.
"It's probably best we head for the apartment we rented out." I said and he nodded, popping in the address and sticking the satnav somewhere I could see it.

It's currently twenty to nine in the evening here in the UK meaning that it's only twenty to one in the afternoon in LA. Jet lag is going to be a bitch.

"We should start thinking about heading off to sleep." Drew said, placing a hand on my thigh.
"I'm not tired." I sighed.
"I know you're not but if we're planning on beating jet lag then we should sleep." He said softly.
"I'll be in soon." I said as he stood up and wandered off to the bedroom.
"Don't stay up too late." He said and I nodded, sending a smile his way before he closed the bedroom door.

It's weird being in an apartment with no stairs when you're so used to living in a house.
My eyes shifted over to the clock that was hanging up on the wall and it read quarter to twelve. Hopefully the jet lag won't be as bad in a couple of days for the wedding.

After sitting on the sofa for a good hour, wide awake and listening to the soft snores escaping drews mouth from the bedroom, I decided to go out for a walk. Maybe it'll tire me out.

I quietly grabbed a jumper as the weather in England was a lot different to the weather in America and I grabbed the keys before leaving. I'm praying that I didn't wake Drew up.
Where do I even walk? I have no clue where I am, all I know is that we're somewhere in Hereford as Steph wanted us to be close to them.

The streets were scary at this time of night, no noise was made and not a single person was to be seen. I hated it. I didn't have a clue where my feet were taking me, as long as it was tiring me out, I didn't care. The street lamps dimly lit up the footpath and I took in my surroundings. A field. Hmm, normal people wouldn't go and sit in a field on their own in this darkness but I'm not normal so that's where I'm heading.
As my feet trudged through the thick mud, I noticed a figure leaning up against a tree stump. That poor tree, who the heck would cut it down? Our oxygen supply is getting less and less.
I feel like I've met bread smarter than me...

I didn't bother to talk to the strange figure at the tree, instead, I just walked straight passed it to the rock that was on the edge of a little stream. I smiled, looking at the reflection from the moon and stars in the water before sighing and looking up at the stars. I'll never not love the stars.
"You still like to sneak out in the middle of the night? Some things never change do they B." A deep voice said behind me. I gulped and turned around to see some brown haired boy. He looked way too familiar.
"Jake?" I asked, standing up, getting a better look at my cousin. He looks so strange. I can't even tell if it's him or not. I wish I stayed in contact with everyone back here. Five years can obviously make a big difference.
"You sound confused." He laughed slightly before I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him tightly.
"You just look so different." I gasped, pulling away from the hug and examining his face.
"Well I did try to contact you." He said, sitting down on the rock I was recently sitting on.
"My phone broke, I got a new one.
I've just been so busy with work and everything." I sighed, sitting down beside him.
"Oh yeah, Steph and I still party along to your albums." He chuckled.
"Cute. So, what are you doing out and about at this time?" I asked.
"I could ask you the same thing." He smirked.
"Jet lag." I huffed and he nodded.
"My mind is all over the place." He said and I frowned.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"When you nod your head yes, but you want to say no." Jake sang and I smacked the back of his head with a laugh.
"JB is long gone." I giggled.
"Sorry." He chuckled.
"I'm just worrying about the wedding day. What if things don't go the way I planned?" He asked.
"Do want the wedding?" I asked and he nodded his head furiously.
"Yes. God yes. More than anything." He breathed out.
"Then what's got you worried?" I asked.
"You." He said and my eyes widened.

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