May i have this dance?

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Brooke's POV

"No way." I gasped, my eyes widening whilst taking a sip of my wine.
"Yes way." Stephanie laughed. She was just telling me a story of how her and Jake nearly got hit by a train for being on a track that they thought was abandoned. It sounds pretty scary.
"Anyway, have you guys done anything interesting?" Stephanie asked, looking between Drew and I. I looked at him and furrowed my eyebrows, realising we don't actually ever do anything exciting.
"No." I sighed, looking down at my lap. Maybe Drew and I's relationship isn't as great as I thought it was. I mean, he's out working everyday whilst I'm sitting at home tidying and cooking food for him. He comes home, eats and then we go up to bed. That's it. Every single day. Well, apart from the odd day when I go out and do some work.
"Why not?" Jake asked.
"Work I guess." I shrugged, looking up at Drew who gave me a slight smile and wrapped his arm around my shoulders before pulling me into him, pecking the top of my head.
"So Drew, what do you do for a living?" Stephanie asked.
"I work in an office." He replied and she nodded, impressed.
"Anyways, do you want to dance?" I asked Drew and he grinned, allowing me to stand up and we walked over to the dance floor.

"You know I can't dance right?" He asked and I nodded with a laugh.
"Of course I know that." I replied, smirking and wrapping my arms around his neck before looking to the left of me where I saw lee staring, sipping on his beer. I sighed and rolled my eyes before resting my chin on Drew's shoulder, swaying to the music. I'm not going to have my teenage sweetheart ruin everything I have now. I'll always have feelings for Lee but that was years ago. He may have changed for all I know and he could be a complete dick. I wish he was, that way everything will be a lot easier.

Our feet shuffled in time to the music and I looked over at Jake and Steph who were laughing with each other, stuffing some wedding cake into their mouths. They're too cute.
"Will you excuse me?" I asked Drew, pulling away from the dancing position and he nodded.
"Just come back right away." He chuckled, pecking my cheek before I ran off and stole the camera off of the camera man.

"Hey! What are you doing? That's my camera." He shouted after me.
"You're the camera man and you're shit at your job. It's time for good old Brooke to take action." I smirked, holding the camera up to my face and checking to see if I had Jake and Steph in focus. Once I thought the opportunity was perfect, I snapped the picture and grinned.
"Say cheese." I said to the camera man, pointing the camera at him and he reached out to take it but as he did, I snapped a beautiful picture of him. May he never forget this moment...

Lee's POV

"Please, I have to make her jealous." I said down the phone.
"I'm not being your fake girlfriend for the night so that you can make your teen hood crush jealous. She's moved on lee. Suck it up buttercup." Rose said down the phone before the line went dead. Great. She hung up on me. You see, rose and I aren't actually together. It's complicated between us both I guess.

I groaned loudly and looked in through the window to see her laughing with some of the guests she had made friends with.
"Why did I ever let her go?" I mumbled to myself. Who knows, we could still be together. That ring on her finger could have been from me, not Drew but I screwed it up because I couldn't deal with a long distance relationship. If I could go back in time and tell 17 year old me something, it would be to not let that girl slip away. She means more to me than I ever realised.

I raked my fingers through my hair, that was no longer up in its quiff due to the amount of times I've ran my hand through it, and I made my way back inside where my eyes locked with Brooke's. She gave me a small smile which I returned with a small solute before falling down to the chair and taking a swig of my beer.

"Stand up." The familiar American voice filled my ears and I looked up to see Brooke standing there, holding her hand out for me.
"Shouldn't you be with Drew?" I asked and she shrugged.
"Maybe but I'm here with you right now. Take my hand before I give up and walk away." She said softly and I sighed, taking another sip of my beer, completely ignoring her gesture. I can't have her playing me around.
"I guess I'll leave then." She huffed and as she began to walk away, I stood up, grabbing her hand and spinning her around, our bodies ever so close. I looked down at her and she smiled slightly.
"May I have this dance?" I asked as the song changed to a slower one.
"Why of course you may." She giggled and led me to the dance floor. It's funny how we said those exact same words, 5 years ago when we stood under the meteor shower. The first time I actually asked Brooke to be my girlfriend.

She took my hand in hers as the other rested on my shoulder. My spare hand rested on her hip and we began to waltz around the dance floor. No one mattered in this moment expect Brooke and I. It's perfect. She's perfect. What am I saying? She has a boyfriend dammit. Fiancé actually...
Her eyes examined my face and a small smile appeared or hers.
"I see you've grown some facial hair." She smirked and I frowned.
"I'm guessing I missed a bit." I groaned, thinking back to this morning when I shaved. I could have sworn I shaved everything.
"Just a little." She giggled and gave my hand a small squeezed before pulling away from the dance position and bowing down in front of me. It was at this moment I had realised the music had been changed.
"Thank Mr Hinchcliffe." She bowed as did I.
"My pleasure Miss Smith." I grinned and she pecked my cheek before walking off to find Drew. I wonder if Drew saw any of that... that would be a little awkward seeing as to him, Brooke and I had just met.

Will we ever go back to the way we were?

Choosing You - Lee Hinchcliffe (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now