Im going to kill my kidnapper.

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Another chapter yeah?
It's Easter, why not? 💁🏻

Lee's POV

"Woah. Steady on." I laughed as the dirty blonde stumbled over the stool.
"Being drunk is so fun." She slurred, laughing.
"It may well be." I chuckled before frowning.
"How are you getting home?" I asked and she shrugged.
"Probably by car. I mean, I don't think the other girls are ready to leave yet but me, I just want to sleep." She said as her legs went like jelly and I quickly helped her regain balance.
"I'll take you home. Come on." I said as I made her wrap an arm around my neck and one of mine wrapped securely around her waist.

As we stepped outside, I breathed in the fresh air and she laughed before widening her eyes and running towards the bin but completely missing it and falling down to the floor where she threw up everywhere. And that is what alcohol does to you ladies and gents. I sighed and made my way over to her, holding her hair up as she continued to be sick all over the pavement.
"Are you done?" I asked as she sat there, staring into thin air before she snapped back to reality and looked up at me, nodding.
"I think so, thanks." She said, giving me a small smile and holding on to my arm so she could stand herself up but as she did so, she trod in her sick.
"Oh for god sake." She groaned, stepping aside and taking off her heels, making her a lot shorter than me.
"This is gross." She groaned before walking away from me and down the street. Where is she going?

I rolled my eyes and followed after her.
"Here, take these." I said, slipping off my trainers and handing them to her, taking her heels away from her and holding them in my hand. What kind of man would I be if I just left a girl walking bare foot in the streets of Hereford?
"Thank you." She said, slipping them on.
"Where are you heading?" I asked as she looked around in confusion.
"I don't actually know." She sighed, running a hand through her hair.
"Take my jacket and hop on, I'll take you somewhere safe." I said, handing her my jacket and wrapping it around her shoulders before crouching down.
"What are you doing?" She asked.
"Get on my back." I said and she sighed but did as I said, surprisingly, she didn't really weigh anything. I quickly readjusted her position and began the walk back to my apartment.

I know I don't even know her yet but I don't know where she lives and the state she's in right now, I don't think she even really knows.
"Hey, I never caught your name." I said and I waited for an answer but instead, I heard light snores.
"Well goodnight whoever you are." I sighed as I continued to walk bare foot with a drunk girl on my back and carrying heels covered in sick back to my place. What an evening it's been.

Brooke's POV

I woke up to the sound of silence. I shot up from the bed I was sleeping in and I looked around in confusion. Where the hell am I? I looked over at the window but shielded my eyes from the brightness as the headache I was suffering from at the moment was not doing me any good.
I groaned and stood up, walking out of the bedroom where I walked into some bare chested man. I looked up and screamed. That's not Drew. I continued to scream as the man attempted to shush me but I wasn't having any of it.

He brought his hand up to my mouth to muffle my screams and once I had stopped he looked at me with a raised eyebrow.
"Are you done?" He asked and I nodded before he pulled his hand away only for me to scream again and run past him, locking myself in what I presume to be the bathroom. How the hell do I escape from this crazy mans place? He better not have taken advantage of me when I was hammered last night. Oh my god. That's cheating and I didn't even know about it.
The boy began to bash on the door.
"Open up. Please." He begged and my heart race picked up. I backed myself up to the sink and I looked to my left where I saw a toilet plunger. That'll have to do as my weapon of choice today.

I picked it up and unlocked the door.
"It's unlocked." I said quickly, and the handle of the door went so I raised my toilet plunger and as he walked in he saw me and screamed. Oh my god, he screams like a girl.
"What are you doing?" He asked, looking at the toilet plunger before surrendering.
"I'm going to kill my kidnapper." I said and he frowned.
"Your kidnap- oh..." he said as if he had just realised something.
"You have to let me go, I have a wedding to get ready for and my head is killing me. Please, step aside and let me out of this.-" I started as I looked around and my jaw dropped.
"Lovely place." I said breathlessly, dropping the toilet plunger and wandering out of the bathroom with this man following close behind me.

"Oooo... camera. Are you a photographer?" I asked as I picked up the camera and exammined it, only for it to get snatched away and placed back down to where is was.
"No- I, its hard to explain. I record videos of myself." He explained and my eyes widened and I fought back a laugh.
"You're a porn star? I've been captured by a porn star. Lord help me."  I gasped squeezing passed him again and wandering off to the kitchen that was very nicely decorated.
"I'm not a porn star." He huffed. I think I'm annoying him now.

"Would you care to enlighten me as to how I got here please." I asked, sticking my hand in the cookie jar and pulling out a cookie.
"Make yourself at home why don't you." He mumbled to himself and I grinned.
"Oh I will." I smirked, taking a bite of my cookie.
"We met at the bar last night." He sighed.
"We did?" I asked and he nodded.
"You then got really drunk." He continued.
"I did?" I asked and he rolled his eyes.
"Will you stop interrupting." He groaned and I put my hands up in surrender.
"Someone's on their meriod." I said, walking to the front room where I fell down onto the sofa backwards.
"What the hell is a meriod?" He asked.
"A man period." I said in a 'duh' tone.
"Anyway, continue." I smiled, wanting to hear how I ended up here.
"You then said you felt sleepy and you had drank way too much at this point. I then helped you outside where you threw up everywhere and then trod in it with your heels." He started, pointing over at my sick covered heels and I tried not to throw up all over again.
"I, being the gentleman that I am, gave you my shoes to wear, which you did, and I carried your heels whilst giving you a piggy back ride all the way back here." He explained. Awe, he's so sweet.
"And you couldn't have just dropped me back at my place?" I asked.
"I don't have a clue where you live and neither did you..." he said and I laughed.
"Well, I guess this is my cue to leave and get myself ready for a wedding." I said, jumping up from the sofa and collecting all my stuff together.

"I'll see you around porn star." I smirked, waltzing out of his apartment. Right, where the hell am I and who the hell was that? He looked so familiar but something in my brain didn't click. Strange. Well, it looks like google maps is going to be my only way home but first, I have got to get rid of these heels. They stink.

Choosing You - Lee Hinchcliffe (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now