Do you love me?

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Brooke's POV

"I bet he's taking me somewhere so he can murder me." I whispered to the camera as I had a tight grip on Lee's hand who was pulling me somewhere away from the crowd of people.
"I heard that." Lee laughed. I pulled a face at the camera before continuing to follow behind lee.
"Where are we going?" I asked, knitting my eyebrows together.
"You'll see." He said, turning around to look at me with a smirk but instantly regretted it once he walked into a tree.
I burst out into a fit of laughter whilst he stood, fighting back a laugh and rubbing at his sore head.
"Did you see that tree? I swear it wasn't there a second ago." Lee said, pointing to the tree.
"No but I did get it on record." I giggled, holding up the camera that was at my side due to me laughing too much.
"I'm really hoping you guys saw that." I laughed before hitting the stop button and walking up to Lee, kissing his head.
"You'll be ok." I giggled.

"10 minutes." Lee grinned, handing me over the other half of the beer. I took a swig and smiled, looking up into the stars.
"New year, new start." I sighed happily.
Lee gave me a slight smile before standing up and holding out his hands for me to take. I placed the beer bottle on the floor and took Lee's hands, allowing him to help me stand.
"We're standing, what's the occasion?" I asked, laughing slightly.
"So I can do this." He grinned, pulling me into him tightly and smashing our lips together.
"Aren't you sweet." I giggled, pulling away from the kiss and taking his hands in mine.
"I need to do something." Lee said, barely a whisper. Why does he seem so nervous?
"Are you ok?" I asked and he nodded in response.

"B." Lee started, removing his hands from mine and cupping my cheeks.
"I like you, like a lot. You make me happy, you make me laugh, you're smart..." he said before I cut him off.
"Smart? Have you see yourself lately? You've done your research." I laughed, wrapping my arms around his torso.
"Shut up you, I'm trying to be cute." He chuckled.
"That shouldn't be hard." I smirked, pecking his lips before allowing him to continuing.
"Where was I? Oh yeah, you're different, you're crazy, sometimes you're a little awkward and one smile of yours is enough to make my day. You see, I love you a lot Brooke and I'd do anything to spend the rest of my life with you. That may sound like I'm rushing things but trust me, I'm not rushing anything." He said and a big cheesy smile formed on my face.
"God I love you." I whispered, pulling him towards me and crashing our lips together.
"Wait, I'm not done." He said just as everyone started to count down from ten.
"Do you love me?" He asked.
"Of course I do." I smiled.
"Then will you do something for me?" He questioned.
"Anything, what is it?" I asked, counting down along with the people in my head. We're currently on 5.
"Will you marry me?" He asked, pulling away from me, taking something out of his pocket and getting down on one knee.
My heart was thumping in my chest right now and I brought a hand up to my mouth, clasping it in shock, happy shock.
"I-I-I... yes!" I stuttered as I really didn't know what to say. Tears were brimming in my waterline and Lee slid the ring on my ring finger. I'm melting...
Once it was on, the fireworks went off above us and I turned to look at Lee who was looking up at the sky.

One firework goes soaring up into the sky like a rocket, exploding with a Big Bang and allowing its bright rainbow colours to spread across the sky. Another one went off, exactly like the first but with darker colours. After the stars, fireworks have to be one of my favourites. I looked back at Lee and smiled.
"I can feel you staring." He chuckled, taking my hand in his.
"I am indeed." I giggled.
"Why?" He asked, turning to look at me.
"Well why look to the sky for fireworks when you can watch them light up the eyes of the person you love?" I asked with a grin.
"I've never loved someone like I love you and it feels amazing." Lee whispered before connecting our lips.

Lee and I have shared various kisses in various different places but under the fireworks is new and I love it, just like I love him.
Woah... hold up, IM LEES FIANCÉ.
I'm mentally screaming.
"Happy new year baby." Lee said, pulling away from the kiss and resting his forehead on mine.
"Happy new year." I grinned, leaving a small kiss on the tip of his nose.

Choosing You - Lee Hinchcliffe (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now