You're ugly.

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Brooke's POV

*I'm legit going to skip to Paris right now as I can't wait any longer 😂 if you can't tell already, I'm very excited to write about this trip*

Walking through the terminals this early in the morning was peaceful. Quite a few people were running for their flight as they must have been a little late whereas Lee and I were strolling to our flight. We didn't really need to rush but we had to get there so we didn't mess around.

Once we boarded and sat down in our seats, Lee turned to me with a cheesy grin.
"I'm excited." He said.
"Me too." I giggled, pecking his lips before fastening the seatbelt.
His hand gripped onto mine tightly as the flight attendants voice flooded throughout the plane.

Lee double checked that I was strapped in properly before the plane took off. Paris, here we come.
As soon as we were in the air and was able to take off our seatbelts, the lady came around with food and drinks. Thank you Lee for getting first class tickets. Much appreciated.

I grabbed a packet of Percy Pigs before thanking the lady and I ripped them open, stuffing one into my mouth. Lee laughed from beside me.
"What?" I asked, frowning.
"You are what you eat." He chuckled and I gasped playfully.
"Is that why you're such a pussy?" I asked, quirking an eyebrow with a smirk.
"That was a good one" He laughed, nudging my side gently before taking some of my Percy Pigs and shoving them in his mouth.
"Let's see how many we can fit in our mouth." I giggled. God, the things that entertain us.

Lee had finished shoving six in whilst I was struggling to fit four in.
"Why have you got such a small mouth?" He asked through a mouthful of sweets.
"To make dicks like yours look big." I smirked and he gasped before chewing the Pigs and swallowing them, me doing the same.
"If you want to have a comeback war then it's on." He laughed.

I'm going to win of course. I'm the queen of comebacks. Brooke the comeback queen. Lee the comeback king... see, it just doesn't sound right.

After sitting in silence for a bit, watching a movie on the little screen in front of me, Lee tapped my shoulder. I took out one of my earphones and looked at him.
"You have something on your chin." He said softly and I frowned, reaching up to my chin to wipe away whatever I had.
"Gone?" I asked and he shook his head, making me rub all over.
"It's on the third one down." He smirked and I gasped, hitting his arm before going back to watching my movie.

I need to think of a good comeback before he does. Aha, I've got one.
"You're ugly." I smirked. I mean, he can't really have a very good comeback to that.
"Good, I was trying to look like you today." He grinned and my eyes widened as my jaw dropped. Rude.
"Yeah well I would insult you but what nature did to you is worse enough." I smirked and now it was his time to gasp.

I thought I'd win the comeback war but turns out Lee was just quicker at responding. Maybe next time...

"Brooke, we're here beautiful." Lee said softly, brushing some of my hair out of my face. I looked around in confusion. I must have fallen asleep. I sat up slightly and noticed I was strapped in. Lee must have buckled me up just before we were landing. I quickly unbuckled myself from the seat and looked out the window. The weather doesn't seem too bad.

We piled off the plane with our hand luggage to receive our suitcases with all our clothes and bits in.

Lee had his right hand in my jean back pocket whilst I had my arm around his waist as we walked through the airport. Once we had got our suitcases, we got a taxi to our hotel that Lee managed to book opposite the Eiffel Tower.

"We should just move in here." Lee sighed happily, falling down on to the king sized bed.
"Trust me, I'd love to." I giggled, laying down beside him.
I thought that we may finally be able to relax for a while but Lee jumped up with a grin.
"Do you know what my favourite part of this room is?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows.
"What?" I asked and he held out his hands.
"Come with me." He said and I took his hands in mine, allowing him to pull me up on to my feet before he guided me around the hotel room.

We soon came at a stop and I looked to where he was looking.
"A mini fridge?" I asked, confusion spreading across my face.
"A mini fridge full of alcohol." He laughed, pulling it open with a cheesy grin.
"There's so much." I laughed as he bent down and picked out two beers, handing one to me but I refused.
"It's too early." I said, pushing his hand away from me slightly.
"Oh come on, we're on holiday and it's only five, that means it's gone past midday." He smirked, waving the beer bottle around in front of my face. I rolled my eyes playfully and took it from him.
"Whoop whoop." He grinned, before walking over to the bed with my hand in his.

I sat down on his lap, taking a swig of my beer before placing my lips on his.
"Thank you for this." I smiled.
"Don't thank me. I love you." He whispered, our lips inches apart again.
"I love you too." I said before connecting our lips again.

Four nights in Paris... HELL YEAH.

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